Page 276 - Minutes of meeting
P. 276
Date of Meeting: 17 April 2020
Reporting Officer: Place and Enterprise
Manager – Cumbria CC
Title: Draft Appraisal Framework and Strategic Narrative
Summary and Conclusions:
The Government will require that the Town Investment Plan is supported by a
prioritised set of project proposals. To arrive at this position it will be
important that a clear and transparent approach to scheme prioritisation is
Central to this process would be the vision and objectives discussed for the
Town Deal. These have been updated following feedback from the February
meeting and are provided with this paper.
This report seeks the views of the Board on the development of the
prioritisation framework and to set out key next steps in its development.
It is recommended that the Town Deal Board:
1. Agree the draft Strategic Framework provided as Appendix A to this report.
2. Agree the approach to the prioritisation of proposals as set out within
Appendix B to this report.
The development of the Town Investment Plan will need to take place on a
staged basis, with the Government being clear that the development of the
plan should be guided by a clear vision and objectives.
Recognising this at the February 28 meeting of the Town Deal Board
feedback and broad agreement was received for a vision and objectives to
support the subsequent development of plan. Following the completion of the
draft socio-economic narrative these were subject to a further validation
process. The vision currently stands as: