Page 277 - Minutes of meeting
P. 277

“To build on our economic strengths, rich industrial heritage, natural beauty
                   and sense of  community to develop a town that is economically dynamic and
                   diverse, sitting at the  forefront of innovation and green growth, viewed as a
                   great place to live, study, work and  visit and home to a healthy population
                   that can deliver a prosperous, inclusive and fair  future”

                   Alongside the vision the updated objectives are:

                       1.  To  build  on  our  strengths  to  help  Barrow  become  a  centre  of
                          excellence  and  innovation  for  advanced  manufacturing  and  clean
                       2.  To  create  a  resilient  local  economy  through  greater  diversification,
                          enhanced  competitiveness  and  providing  a  wider  range  of  quality
                          employment opportunities;
                       3.  To  grow  the  working  age  population  by  creating  an  attractive  and
                          vibrant place to live, work and visit;
                       4.  To equip people with the skills and confidence to achieve their potential
                          to take full advantage of opportunities;
                       5.  To strengthen progression pathways through a dynamic and integrated
                          approach to school, further and higher education;
                       6.  To reduce deprivation and improve the physical and mental health and
                          well-being of our community;
                       7.  To be a digitally connected and physically accessible town supporting
                          walking, cycling and public transport;
                       8.  To deliver a more diverse and attractive housing offer while ensuring
                          the continued renewal of our existing stock;
                       9.  To achieve a vibrant town centre, leisure and service offer supporting
                          the role of Barrow as a regional centre while enhancing our rich built
                          and cultural heritage; and
                       10. To put residents at the centre of public service delivery.

                   The vision and objectives and evidential links to the Socio-economic narrative
                   and underpinning their selection is set out within Appendix A to this report.

                   Prioritisation Framework

                   While a primary role of the Town Investment Plan will be to secure Town Deal
                   Funding  for  Barrow,  in  shaping  proposals  it  will  seek  to  consider  all  major
                   funding programmes across the town (private and public) in order to present a
                   comprehensive approach for the use of Town Deal funding.

                   In establishing uses for Town Deal funding; the Government have been clear
                   in  their  expectation  that  the  development  of  the  Town  Investment  Plan  be
                   supported  by  a  prioritised  set  of  interventions.    To  arrive  at  these  it  will  be
                   necessary to establish a clear assessment process.

                   Central  to  such  a  process  would  be  the  establishment  of  a  prioritisation
                   framework  through  which  schemes  can  be  considered  and  a  set  of
                   recommendations presented to the Town Deal Board.
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