Page 282 - Minutes of meeting
P. 282
This programme could also see the introduction of a new
walking and cycling bridge across Buccleuch Dock, linking
the Marina Village Development Site with Barrow Island
and BAE
Community Multiple Skills and Enterprise To establish / develop a network of four locally based Cumbria £1-5m
Wellbeing and community wellbeing and skills hub at the heart of County
Skills Hubs Wellbeing and skills communities where families of all ages throughout their life Council
centres: course can be supported to develop their skills, confidence,
access services and employment pathways and come
Ormsgill together to build thriving communities. These hubs would
Barrow Island be used to run a range of programmes in partnership and
Walney where appropriate led by thirds sector organisations. This
Hindpool/Central could directly support COVID-19 recovery among local
communities and businesses.
And 1 outdoor skills
and activity site on These individual centres will be reinforced by access to a
Walney (Earnse Bay) new outdoor skills and recreation facility which will provide
access for young people and many of the most vulnerable
families to open spaces and outdoor education making use
of the natural resources of Walney. This centre would also
be able to support Barrow’s wider visitor and leisure offer
enhancing the opportunities for Walney to act as a
University Barrow Skills and Enterprise Creation of a new University Campus in Barrow this would University of £5-10m
Campus support key sectors within Barrow, including energy and Cumbria
Development advanced manufacturing while also supporting the
diversification of the economy and opportunities within it.
More broadly this proposal should help to attract and
retain more young people, enhancing education
attainment and enhance the perception of Barrow.