Page 291 - Minutes of meeting
P. 291


                   Date of Meeting:   17  April 2020

                   Reporting  Officer:  Place  and  Enterprise
                                                 Manager – Cumbria CC

                   Title:     Draft Prioritisation Framework

                   Summary and Conclusions:

                   This paper introduces the draft Long List of projects that are to be considered
                   through  the  appraisal  framework  being  prepared  in  support  of  the  Town
                   Investment Plan.

                   The board are asked to consider this list and advise on further additions they
                   would wish to see considered.


                   It is recommended that the Town Deal Board:

                   1. Consider and provide feedback on the draft long list noting any additional
                   proposal they would wish to see considered within it.



                   During the February 28  meeting of the Town Deal Board, it was agreed that
                   a  long  list  of  prospective  Town  Deal  projects  would  be  identified.  Once
                   identified these could be tested through the appraisal framework.

                   The  development  of  the  long  list  was  over  seen  by  the  Plan  Development
                   Group and in so doing consideration was given to:

                         The categories of proposals the Town Deal is eligible to support;
                         Assessment of the objectives for the Town Deal;

                         Historic schemes and concepts;
                         New  initiatives  identified  by  the  Plan  Development  Group  and  Town
                          Deal Board members;
                         Initial consideration of the deliverability of proposals;

                         Early  thoughts  about  the  impact  of  COVID-19  on  the  local economy;
                         Consideration of feedback received through the #MyTown portal.
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