Page 34 - Minutes of meeting
P. 34
Date of Meeting: 17 April 2020
Reporting Officer: Chief Executive – Barrow
Borough Council
Title: Town Deal Board – Communications and
Engagement Plan
Summary and Conclusions:
This paper updates the Board on the activity that has taken place since
February. It resets the timeframe in light of the current national emergency
and the need to flex our approach to respect social distancing guidance and
instruction. The revised approach seeks to reach the widest number of
stakeholders in a quality manner and in so doing help to ensure the creation
of a well rounded set of proposals.
We are still awaiting receipt of the Government Communications Toolkit and
will bring a revised Plan once this has been received.
It is recommended that the Town Deal Board:
1. Provide feedback and agree the logo and website that has been created
using the strapline #BrilliantBarrow.
2. Agree the revised approach to communications and engagement set out in
this report.
As part of our Town Deal there is an expectation that plans are developed in
consultation with the community looking to understand “what they love and
how they want to see it grow” (Towns Fund Prospectus).
Recognising this, the Communications and Engagement group have been
working on the Plan that was presented at the last Board. However, given the
Coronavirus pandemic many plans for proactive engagement have been
postponed. The group believed that the timing was simply not right to be
promoting discussion about the future priorities of the town. At the same time
the resource we were using to support the Group was diverted into doing