Page 176 - Draft
P. 176
The Coordinator of Student Support Services
1. Designed a year-long Counselor’s Implementation Plan in order to align practices across campuses
and to increase the use of Naviance features to support college and career readiness.
2. Designed, Implemented or Selected the following Professional Development:
• Student Support Services Secretary Training- July 23- New Student Support Services
Secretaries Retreat
• Restorative Justice- August 12- Coordinators of Climate, Culture and Community Relations
Team – will align progressive discipline practices and student expectations for behavior
across campuses
• MTSS Kick Off- August 17- Problem Solving Teams- Define roles and responsibilities
among stakeholders in the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Process
• Telepractice Professional Development - August 21- Clinicians and Counselors- Provide
clinicians with tools to facilitate remote services
• Intro to English Language Learners- Late start Wednesdays- English Language Learners
(ELL) Teaching Staff- Provide ELL Teachers with refresher information and teaching
strategies to support bilingual students
• American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Training- August 18- Counselors- align
practices among campuses and prepare counselors for ASCA certification and school
applications for RAMPS.
• STAR Renaissance Training- Teaching Staff- Ongoing through SY 20-21- Provide teachers
with training to facilitate BOY diagnostic testing and progress monitoring on MTSS
3. Drafted a Climate and Culture Procedure Manual- Align practices across campuses
4. Drafted a Request for Proposal for Southland Juvenile Justice Council- This grant will allow us to
implement Youth Violence Prevention programming for our district
5. Collaborated with Coordinators of Climate, Culture and Community Team to draft a PBIS model for
SY 20-21- Establishes a social culture and the behavior supports needed to improve social,
emotional, behavioral, and academic outcomes for all students.
6. Created a Culture and Climate Walkthrough Tool – This tool will be used to collect qualitative data
as we implement CCC initiatives this year.
7. Created Student Support Services Bi-weekly Newsletter Template – This tool will be used to
communicate pertinent information regarding the Student Support Services department.
8. Initial draft of Counselor’s Manual - - Align and define practices across campuses
9. Naviance data roll over from SY 19-20 to SY 20-21- Update Naviance so that students and staff can
begin to use the system immediately.
10. Participated in special education classroom walkthroughs for Fine Arts and Communication Campus
and STEM Campus to determine if furniture has been delivered and placed in the appropriate
11. Collaboration with College, Career, and Military (CCM) Liaisons to develop CCM Framework –
Promote a college going culture and support students, as well as outreach to feeder schools
Director of Student Support Service
Various meetings were facilitated with various departments under the umbrella of Student Support Services
throughout the month to increase alignment of process and procedures and IEP development and