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increasing communications to families, staff and community, supporting high quality instruction, sustaining
               a safe and secure environment for students and staff, staff accountability, and freshmen enrollment.

               Registration and Enrollment

                9        291 freshmen have completed online registration.
                         132 freshmen have completed in-person enrollment.
                10       30% of sophomores have completed online registration.
                11       32% of juniors have completed online registration.
                12       32% of seniors have completed online registration.

               Return to Instruction

               A parent orientation meeting was held using zoom Wednesday, July 29, 2020 to review the hybrid and
               remote learning plan.  Parents were able to ask questions to district administrators regarding student
               expectations, parent expectations, transportation, special education, the schedule, device distribution, and
               athletics and activities. Over 120 parents attended the meeting.  Any questions that were not answered will
               be published in Frequently Asked Questions document.

               The table below summarizes the number of students who will participating in hybrid learning by grade level
               as of 7/29/2020.

                           Grade Level    Submitted Enrollment Form      Hybrid        Remote
                          9               273                           85         188
                          10              191                           109        82
                          11              186                           103        83
                          12              202                           133        69
                          Total           852                           430        422

               Graduation/Summer School

               Ten out of 17 students who were eligible to participate in the Summer School Graduation participated in the
               ceremony Tuesday, July 28, 2020 held at 5:00 p.m. at the district office.  The ceremony was live-streamed
               and recorded. It is available on the district website.

               Flex Mod Scheduling
               The Office of Educational Services continues to work with the Master Schedulers, IT, our consultant from
               Legacy and Power School to finalize the flex mod master schedule, which will be new for the 2020-2021
               school year.
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