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The district submitted a letter of support to Concerned Citizens for A Better Community, for their
application to the Justice Advisory Council of Cook County's Violence Prevention Grant to implement
Project Deter School Based After School Job Readiness Program at Rich Township High School District
The district met with Park Forest Police Department Community Engagement and the University of Illinois
at Chicago to discuss the implementation of the remaining funds and activities for year one of the Total
Access Collaborative for Trauma Informed Care (TACTIC) Grant, and implementation of the grant for year
two given the consolidation.
Business Office
Information Technology Board Report August 2020
The Information Technology department has distributed devices to any student(s) who have
requested one while attending the second semester of Summer School.
The technology department has received proposals from vendors for the installation of the card
scanners for the Scholarchip software in the classrooms. Proposals have been reviewed, and the
vendor has starred the work to install the scanners.
The technology department has completed a rigorous evaluation of all of the remaining
Chromebooks in preparation for distribution. Curbside pickup will be made available to parents at
the STEM campus on August 11, 12, and 13 . Students who do not pick up a device during these
dates will be issued their Chromebook during the orientation weeks.
We continue to look at ways to improve our campus security, and this year we will be migrating our
access control software to the cloud. This migration will improve access to the campuses and also
provide administrators a better secure method to access the system.
In a joint effort with Educational Services, we are upgrading the Remind app so we can provide
students and parents a better experience when using this app.
We continue to work with our Special Education Department to implement the Laserfiche software
that will allow us to scan and digitize student records.
- Lockers in the senior hallways of the STEM campus were electrostatically painted the color
red last week. Due to rooftop units not being installed until this week at the FAC Campus we had