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of an administrative resignation and a change in the administrative structure the District has two administrative
               positions available. The District has one vacancy for a Coordinator of Student Support Services and one
               position for an Associate Principal of Operations. Panel interviews for the positon of Associate Principal of
               Operations round 1 have been completed. Round 2 of panel of interviews will occur on October 13 . Pending
               the outcome of interviews, the District may recommend a candidate for the position of Associate Principal of
               Operations. The District is still seeking a highly qualified candidate to serve as the Coordinator of Student
               Support Services.

               Girls Varsity Head Coach Ms. Bass voluntarily resigned from her position pending a separation agreement.
               The separation agreement provides her with the head coaching stipend until she retires, and the District would
               not prohibit her from future head coaching opportunities. The association agrees to drop the grievance at Step
               2. Per the MOU the District will post the position internally. Only qualified candidates are eligible to apply
               for the head coaching position. If the District cannot identify a qualified candidate the district will return to a
               one coach model. Coach Mayes remains in the position of head coach.

               Influenza Vaccination
               District 227 has partnered with Walgreens Pharmacy to offer all District 227 employees the opportunity to
               receive the flu vaccinations onsite at no cost to the employee.  All employees were surveyed and approximately
               65 employees will participate in this healthcare initiative.  In an effort to lower, the premium coverage with
               our cooperative the District will also offer health screenings to help employees gauge the status of their health
               and seek treatment. These health initiatives support families and improve employee attendance.

                 Educational Services

               The Director of Curriculum and Data

               Working with the Ed. Services team, we have identified the fall testing dates. Sophomores and
               juniors will take the PSAT/NMSQT on October 14  and October 29 . Seniors will take the SAT on
               October 14  and 27 . Freshmen will take the PSAT 8/9 on October 20th and 22nd. The data from
               these assessments will be shared with ECRA and used to drive instruction and provide growth
               scores for students.
               Working with PSC and campus administration, we are providing additional support for our Early
               College students. After School Boot Camps hosted by our teachers will provide our students
               support to assist with the rigor, time management, and responsibilities associated with college and
               high school expectations.

               The ISBE approved our 2020-21 CTE Consolidated Grant. The fund allocations will provide the
               resources needed to stock the newly built commercial kitchen. Funds were also allocated to provide
               resources to Applied Tech, Business, Health and Family Consumer Sciences. Additional funds were
               allocated to provide students the opportunity to prepare and earn industry certifications as an
               expectation of their CTE courses. Finally, in alignment with district targets, funds were allocated
               for CTE teachers to work in collaboration with Reading and Math teachers to create lessons which
               embed reading and math strategies in order to teach college readiness skills.
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