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For some of our teachers, summer break includes giving back to our school community. Teachers
               from our Department give of their time for our daily Food Drive at Rich East High School.

               For others, summer break has been that of time towards curriculum updates and curriculum
               preparation for Remote Learning should we continue virtually for the fall. Our Humanities
               Division, along with their District counterparts, have given over 300 hours towards Curriculum
               Updates and Remote Learning.  Those courses are as follows:
               American Government                                Art:  Commercial Art, Crafts 3D,

               AP Psychology                                      English 9 Honors

               AP US Government                                   Music Theatre

               AP US History                                      Pre-AP English 1
               AP Language and Composition                        Spanish 1- Spanish IV

               Operations/Culture and Climate

               While students and teachers were not in the building, CCC and Operations have not stopped. Last
               efforts made and call out to give students a last chance to retrieve their belongings. Offices packed
               up and teachers’ rooms cleared and ready to go to our next stop in the journey as we form one
               school, Rich District 227.


               The student support service department has been busy this summer.   All student support offices are
               shut down and ready for the transition.  Counselors and the registrar department have updated
               transcripts, issued diplomas, and are working diligently on Flex Scheduling.  The extended school
               year went well, with over 35 students participating in their continued education programming and
               related services.  Lastly, the BELIEVE, ALPHA, and ELL teams have worked on curriculum
               projects for the upcoming school year and are looking forward to the start of the year.

               HUMAN RESOURCES
               The Office of Human Resources is currently working with building administrators to ensure that all certified
               positions are filled with highly qualified teachers.  As a result of several resignations, the District has been
               able to recall certified and classified personnel from a reduction in force list. Human Resources is working
               with the master schedulers and educational services to ensure that the new flex mode schedule is completed
               and that all students have innovative schedules and the support needed to experience academic, social, and
               emotional success in the classroom. The District will recommend one administrative candidate in July and was
               able to recall a few employees. Staffing levels are completed at 98%, and the remaining vacancies will be
               filled by August of 2020.
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