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The district has completed fall testing. Below is a summary of the number of students that have
completed taking the PSAT 8/9, NMSQT and the SAT during the month of October:
October 14 242 272 514
October 20 70 78 148
October 22 112 84 196
October 27 138 103 241
October 29 269 270 539
TOTALS 831 807 1638
Seniors who missed taking the fall SAT will be able to sit for the exam in the spring. Sophomores
and juniors will be able to make up the NMSQT in January.
Professional Development
The following professional development activities have occurred.
Teachers participated in the following training and professional development:
1. CT3- No-Nonsense Nurturer Training 5. ViewSonic Board Training
2. Co-Teaching 6. SAT Testing
3. Talent Ed Training 7. STAR Training
4. Go Guardian Intervention training
Administrators participated in:
1. Marzano High Reliability Schools Level 1 and Level 2 Training, Session 1 and Session 2.
2. Professional learning on the 10 Mindframes for Leaders by John Hattie
Student Engagement
We are using student attendance as one metric to measure student engagement during remote learning.
This is the average daily attendance by grade level and for Star Academy for October 2, 2020 to
October 30, 2020.
Grade Level Average Daily Attendance (ADA) %
9th 87.64%
10th 87.08%
11th 86.44%
12th 78.45%
District 84.81%
District attendance for October is up 27.58% from September (57.23%)