Page 30 - draft
P. 30
• Student Recruitment process
o 75% of ninth grade seats are filled
o 50% of tenth grades seats filled
• Recruitment efforts:
o Visit ninth grade advisory and present Middle Year Programme as an option with sign
up link
o Virtual Parent Information Meeting February 18 6PM
o Flyers handed out at student drop off Saturday 8 grade testing
o Invite all 9 grade students who sign up during advisory to Parent info session
February 18
o Invite Feeder school families to February 18 through district leaders (District
159, 160, 163)
International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program Feeder School Pipeline
• Three districts have committed to completing International Baccalaureate Middle Years
Programme Authorization Application: Districts 159, 160, and 163
• Two districts will partner with consultant for candidate application support: Districts 159 and
• Middle Years Program Continuum Leadership Circle will begin in February with monthly
meetings led by District 227 Director of Fine Arts and International Baccalaureate. This group
will support one another with shared resources and best practices through the authorization
process in order to establish a sustainable pipeline for the Middle Year Programme students.
Early High School Program
Rich Township High School District 227 will offer an Early High School Enrichment Program
designed to engage middle school students in rigorous curriculum that provides access to high school
credit and prepares students for District 227 early college options.
Program Design Team will:
• Confirm course offerings
• Set enrollment criteria
• Establish leadership and support team for students
• Promote and recruit for Fall 2021
Director of Student Support Services
Various meetings were facilitated with various departments under the umbrella of Student Support
Services throughout the month.
Student Support Services
In collaboration with Advocate Health brought a physical and flu clinic to the district to assist families
with getting no cost physicals and flu shots for students. We were able to get 10 students schedule for
In collaboration with ISC4 and the legal team, working with a family that may have been accessing
district resources although they did not live within the district’s boundaries or qualify for McKinney
Vento. This student has transferred out of district.