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                                          HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 227
                                          20550 South Cicero Avenue
                                          Matteson, IL 60443



       Navy National Defense Cadet

       Corps Shines At RTHS

       This year, Rich Township in its efforts to be   Cadet Krista Jordan, a Junior student,
       true to its vision to provide opportunities   states of NNDCC, “It gives me motivation
       for students to thrive, started a National   and encourages me to work towards my
       Navy Defense Cadet Corps (NNDCC).     goals. I can understand different parts of
                                             the program including flag and drill.
       The NNDCC at RTHS instills outstanding
       leadership skills in the students who   I have learned lessons that I can use at
       are a part of the program. The program   home. It makes my family happy and
       is similar to a Junior Reserve Officer   motivates them to motivate me.”
       Training Corps (JROTC). They learn great   Cadet Tyler Minniefield, a Freshman   The program, located at the Fine Arts
       discipline and they are dedicated to   student, says of NNDCC, “It teaches   and Communication Campus, will expose
       maintaining an exemplary grade point   discipline. I am more mature in regards   students to a four-year naval science
       average. The program helps students   to school and my grades. I have been   curriculum, and is open to students
       learn about community service and and   blessed to go to different states which is an   in all grade levels. As a result of their
       makes them very helpful to seniors and   opportunity that I did not previously have.    participation in NNDCC, cadets will
       neighbors where they live. Chief Nathan   I also see opportunities to apply for college   possess a high degree of personal honor,
       Gregory, Chief Petty Officer, United   scholarships in the future.”        self-reliance, individual discipline and
       States Navy (Retired), who heads the                                       leadership. The program will develop
       program with 24 years of service says,   The National Navy Defense Cadet   informed and responsible citizens, respect
       “In addition to discipline and leadership   Corps (NNDCC) provides students   for constructed authority, and promote
       skills, the students also learn good time   with opportunities to gain the values of   patriotism and an understanding of the
       management which helps them prepare   citizenship, service to the United States,   basic elements and need for national
       for and do well in college.” Chief Gregory   personal responsibility and a sense of   security. NNDCC satisfies 3.5 credits for the
       has been at RTHS for one year of his   accomplishment. The unit of 41cadets is   physical education graduation requirement,
       exemplary career and the school is very   one of three in the south suburbs and one   and students are exempted from taking a
       pleased to have him.                  of 16 in Illinois.                   physical education class.
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