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Greetings Rich Township Families,
We are so happy to have some of our young adults back in the
building for in-person instruction. All of our staff are excited to finally
be reunited with our students. The hybrid learning model has offered
a unique opportunity to welcome our families back who have opted
to return for in-person learning. We understand that COVID-19 is still
a reality for our community and each individual family must make the
best decision for their circumstances. We are pleased to be to able
offer instructional options for our Raptors, and we are committed to
providing quality educational experiences for students both online
and in-person.
Being back in school provides a sense of security and normalcy for
many of our students. For our Freshmen, the opening of school has
allowed them to become familiar with the building and meet their
teachers for the very first time face-to-face. We also believe that socialization plays a
critical role in our children’s development, and the hybrid model brings our students back
together with their classmates and friends. For students transitioning from other schools,
the hybrid model offers a change for students to acclimate with their new surroundings.
As the COVID-19 infection rates continue to decrease, parents and guardians may want
to reconsider their choice to remain remote. We welcome these families to sign their
children up for the next round of hybrid instruction that will begin at the start of the fourth
In the building, we are enforcing CDC guidelines to provide a safe
environment. These measures include daily health certifications,
thermal scanning, proper mask wearing, social distancing, maximum
room capacity, on-site COVID testing, isolation rooms, sanitizing
stations, and regular facilities cleaning. Once we become aware of a
positive COVID-19 test result, we even have procedures for contact
tracing. All the necessary steps have been taken to minimize the
spread of the virus.
Rich Township High School remains focused on students and student
success, and we are here to support our families’ needs through this
pandemic. Please contact us if there is anything that we can do to
better meet the needs of our young adults. We are all in this together.
Larry D. Varn, II
Tel: 708-679-3117