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       RTHS NEWS

        Our Athletes Are Some               Boys Golf:
                                            Scot Ritter;
        of The Best In
        Chicagoland and Illinois!           Girls Golf:
                                            George Leonard
        Athletics & Activities Fall Athletics are
        up and running. This includes, Boys
        and Girls Golf, Girls Tennis, and Boys   Evening Activity routes for the fall
        and Girls Cross Country. Our athletes   season athletics will be provided.
        have been working hard towards their   Please monitor our communications
        ultimate goals of becoming Total    for more details regarding Fall contact
        Raptors!                            days and transportation changes.

        Fall Contact Days have started and   Twitter: @RTHS_Athletics Athletics
        include several off-season athletes   Website:
        working hard to get ready for their   District Website:
        upcoming seasons.
                                            For any questions or concerns, please
        Unfortunately, we have made the     contact Matthew Shank, Director of
        difficult decision to cancel all our   Athletics, Activities, and Transportation;
        tournaments for this school year. This   708-679-5727;
        includes, the 48th Annual Big Dipper
        Basketball Tournament. To ensure the
        safety of everyone involved we felt it
        best to not host any tournaments. We                                        TRANSPORTATION
        appreciate all the support throughout
        the years and look forward to seeing
        everyone back for the                                                       As we prepare for hybrid learning
        2021-2022 tournament seasons. We                                            in October, the Transportation and
        promise you will not be disappointed!!!                                     Technology Departments have been
                                                                                    working on a self-certification app that
        For more information, please reach out                                      all families will be able to use to allow
        to Keith White - STEM campus Division                                       their student(s) to gain entrance to the
        leader for Athletics:                                                       bus in the morning.  Below is a link for                                                          the tutorial to download the app using
        or Omari Garrett - Fine Arts Division                                       an Android or iPhone.
        leader for Athletics:                                                        Students and parents
        The Fall 2020 season has started for                                        com/page/2661/custom/5451
        Girls Tennis, Boys/Girls Cross Country,
        and Boys/Girls Golf! Get registered on                                      Students and parents
        8to18 at                                         Android:
        Please contact the coach for more                                 
        details.                                                                    custom/5496

                                                                                    As a reminder, students will need to
        Girls Tennis:
        Dave Stein;                                              present the clearance page to the
                                                                                    bus driver and have a mask to gain
                                                                                    entrance to the bus.
        Boys Cross Country:
        Dave Stanko;
                                                                                    For more details, please reach out
                                                                                    to our Director of Transportation,
        Girls Cross Country:
        Brent Pfeiffer;                                       Matthew Shank (708) 679-5727;

                                                                                                           RTHS 7

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