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Faculty NEWS
Rich Township High
School is pleased to
welcome the following
new teachers to our
already distinguished
faculty for the 2020-
2021 School Year. May
they help our students
progress well on their James Solan Aaron Richmond
learning journey.
DISTRICT 227 Jullian Musil Alric Karvel Bailey
On an annual basis Rich Township were honored at the September 15, You can meet our amazing
High School District 227 nominates 2020 Board meeting. The Finalist nominees by watching our video!
exceptional educators who truly make for each category receive awards at We are so proud of our nominees
a difference in the lives our students the District level, only one category and appreciate their commitment to
by contributing positively to the finalist is advanced to the Illinois excellence, students and District 227!
culture and climate of our district. The State Board of Education to compete The nominees for outstanding Teacher
nominees are nominated by people for Statewide recognition for Illinois of the year:
who have firsthand knowledge of Teacher of the Year, Illinois Educational George Vlahakis
the exceptional qualities possessed, Support Person of the Year and Illinois Sue Lundgren
amazing contributions made that make Community Volunteer of the Year. We Gail Jenicek
them worthy of the District recognition are wishing all nominees the best in this The nominees for outstanding
and finally applications are vetted process. The annual banquet hosted by Educational Support Personnel:
by building and district level teams the Illinois State of Education usually Marie Grillo
discussing all applicants with the final occurs in October; however due to the Tammy Gunby
two moving forward to the District pandemic the State Board of Education The nominee for outstanding
leadership team. All nominees receive is in the process of making alternative Community Volunteer:
recognition at the District Level and arrangements to announce the winners. Dr. Theresa Dixon
Not Pictured:
Sue Lundgren
Gail Jenicek
Dr. Theresa Dixon
George Vlahakis Marie Grillo Tammy Gunby
10/10/20 1:10 PM
RTHS Newsletter OCT.indd 3
RTHS Newsletter OCT.indd 3 10/10/20 1:10 PM