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Rich Township



                                                                   A MESSAGE FROM

                                                                   THE SUPERINTENDENT

                                                                   Dear Rich Township High School District  227 Students and

                                                                   Welcome to the 2020/2021 school year!  It is an exciting time as
           Board Members                                           we look forward to a great new year and forge ahead with great
            Andrea D. Bonds                                        expectation.  Now that we have moved to the uniting of one school
             Board President                                       with two campuses - the STEM Campus and the Fine Arts and
             Janice Preston                                        Communications Campus (FAC) - we believe there will be even
              Vice President
            Cheryl Coleman                                         more positive developments. As we say in our Vision Statement: We
                                                                   envision a
            Randy Alexander             culturally relevant, innovative school district
             Board Member               that provides a foundation of opportunities
               Mia Carter               for our students to thrive.
             Board Member
            Sharon Newman               On  behalf  of  the  Rich  Township  High
             Board Member               School  District  227 Board of  Education,
           Dr. Delores Woods            administrators, staff, and educators, please
             Board Member               know that we appreciate your resilience and
                                        commitment to excellence even during these
           Superintendent’s             challenging times of the pandemic.  Thank
                Cabinet                 you for your continued support as our teachers are devoted to providing the best remote learning
          Dr. Johnnie Thomas            experience in this new educational environment.  During this time we are following the guidance
             Superintendent             recommended by Governor Pritzker, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the
             Dr. Alicia Evans           Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). Face-
        Assistant Superintendent        to-face instruction will resume once it is safe to do so. As we prepare to progress from a virtual to
        of Business & Operations        a hybrid learning model, please be assured that our staff is working to assure a smooth transition.
             Dr. Kim Echols             True to our Mission Statement we sustain a focus on students and on student success.
        Assistant Superintendent
          of Human Resources            Let us all come together and support
          Dr. Stephen Bournés
        Assistant Superintendent        each other to be the best that we can be.
         of Educational Services
               Larry Varn               Respectfully,
                                          Dr. Johnnie Thomas
                 Principal              Superintendent

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