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Ameya Banks

                OUTSTANDING                                                            Self-Certification:

                RTHS ALMNA                                                             Important For

                                                                                       Every Student In
                                                                                       Hybrid Learning


                                                                                       As we plan for hybrid learning
                                                                                       and keeping everyone safe,
                                                                                       students will need to answer
                                                                                       questions online before they
                                                                                       come to school every morning.
                                                                                       The process is called self-

                                                                                       Below are links that will
                                                                                       provide instructions to
                                                                                       downloading the app to an
                                                                                       iOS or Android phone for self-



                                                                                       The mobile hotspots that
                                                                                       have been distributed to
                                                                                       the students can be used to
                                                                                       download the app.

                                                                                       We are asking that students
                Ameya Banks is a Rich Township High School graduate who attended from 2006 - 2010.   and parents use the school
                She was a Top Ten Scholar all 4 years, also an AP Scholar, Illinois State Scholar and   issued email address.
                inducted into The National Honor Society. She received The Ohio State University’s   StudentIDNumber@student.
                Morrill Scholarship (full- tuition) for academic achievement. She graduated Cum Laude
                with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Industry/Business. In June 2017, she earned a Master’s
                Degree in Journalism with Distinction from DePaul University. She was a Producer’s Intern   If you have any questions
                at NFL Films and a Sports Intern at CBS Sports. In three years, she excelled from an   or problems downloading
                Intern to an Associate Producer and Content Creator for NFL Films. Last year the NFL   the app, please contact our
                celebrated their 100th Season. To commemorate the Anniversary, Ameya was assigned   Director of Athletics, Activities,
                to special projects including “NFL 100 Greatest and All Time Teams” for which she won   and Transportation, Matthew
                a Sports Emmy.. She also produced HBO’s football show “Hard Knocks, Training Camp   Shank;
                With The Oakland Raiders.”                                             (708) 679-5727.

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