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Rich Township
Dear Rich Township High School District December 5. Due to
227 Students and Families, the rising concerns
of COVID-19 and in
Congratulations on the great progress our an effort to keep our
students and staff have made thus far in families and staff safe,
the 2020/2021 school year! We appreciate we have decided to
Board Members the collaboration of everyone, including postpone the final testing day until it is
Andrea D. Bonds the parents, as we work to make the Rich safer to do so. The new test date will be
Board President Township High School learning experience Saturday, January 23, 2021. The placement
Janice Preston the best and safest it can be for our students. test scores are just one of several metrics
Vice President Hybrid Learning begins Tuesday, January the district uses to place students. Other
Cheryl Coleman 19, 2021. If your student is not compliant metrics include grades, NWEA scores, and
Secretary with required physicals and immunizations teacher recommendations.
Randy Alexander by January 19th, they will have to remain
Board Member in remote learning until the required Healthy meals help fuel student learning! The
Mia Carter documents are produced. Also on January Food Service Department provides five days
Board Member 19th, students who plan to participate in of free breakfast and lunch for any child up
Sharon Newman hybrid instruction will pick up their new to the age of 18 years. Families do not have
Board Member ScholarChip ID cards. to live in the community or attend the district
Dr. Delores Woods schools. There are no forms to fill out and no
Board Member Thanks to all who voted and to those that income requirements. Meals are distributed
took part in our Roll to the Polls. FAFSA through contactless drive through curbside
Superintendent’s (Free Application For Federal Student Aid) distribution at both the STEM and Fine Arts
Cabinet is open now and all seniors must fill it out as and Communications campuses. Please
Dr. Johnnie Thomas a graduation requirement. Please see your check the website for the serving schedule:
Superintendent guidance counselor for more information., or call 708-679-5728, or
Dr. Alicia Evans Please remember that Academic Labs are email There will be no
Assistant Superintendent important for our students. Attendance food distribution during our Winter Break.
of Business & Operations is taken so it is important for students to
Dr. Kim Echols follow their schedule and attend academic During this holiday time of thankfulness
Assistant Superintendent labs when assigned. The purpose of the and joy we are grateful for our amazing
labs is to reinforce content and skills in a
students, teachers and parents. Let us all
of Human Resources format suitable to work with individual or stay safe, stay healthy and keep looking
Dr. Stephen Bournés small groups of students. after each other because we are always
Assistant Superintendent stronger together.
of Educational Services 8th Grade Placement Testing: A third
Larry Varn placement testing day for our incoming Respectfully,
Principal freshmen (current 8th grade students) Dr. Johnnie Thomas
was originally scheduled for Saturday, Superintendent
12/18/20 11:11
RTHS Newsletter NOV.indd 1
RTHS Newsletter NOV.indd 1 12/18/20 11:11