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Faculty                  NEWS


            NATIONAL BOARD


            District 227 Recognizes the            George Vlahakis, and Craig West for
                                                   taking the initiative to obtain National      Monica Bell
            individual talent of every
                                                   Board Certification.  National Board
            teacher. We are especially             Certification is achieved through a         Helene Boganski
            honored to recognize our               rigorous, performance-based assessment        Andrea Clark
            teachers who are among                 of a teacher’s pedagogical skills and          Kelly Hasty
                                                   content knowledge. The certification
            an elite group of educators
                                                   takes one to three years to complete.       Susan  Lundgren
            working diligently to obtain
                                                                                                Ronette Lusby
            National BoardCertification.           Upon completion of the program and
                                                   assessment our teachers will become      Yvonne O’Connell-Lavin
            The National Board Resource Center at   Nationally Board-Certified Teachers.
            Illinois State University and the Illinois   Nationally Board-Certified Teachers     Brent Pfeiffer
            National Board for Professional Teaching   are special because completion of the     Elisa Richard
            Standards (NBPTS) Comprehensive        program is obtained by demonstrating          Kelly Stadter
            Support System, and District 227 offer   advanced teaching knowledge, skills,
            a sincere congratulations to Monica    and practices.                               Louise Vinluan
            Bell, Helene Boganski, Andrea Clark,
                                                                                               Julisa Viramontes
            Kelly Hasty, Susan Lundgren, Ronnett   NBPTS certification will identify our
            Lusby, Yvonne Oconnell-Lavin, Brent    teachers as leaders in their field. We are   George Vlahakis
            Pfeiffer, Elisa Richard, Kelly Stadter,   honored to have these amazing teachers      Craig West
            Louise Vinluan, Julissa Viramontes,    work with our students.


               DUE TO A DEVASTING FIRE

            A devastating fire caused 31         December 8th.  Superintendent Dr.   members threw an amazing “Sweet
            families to lose their homes in      Johnnie Thomas said that although   Sixteen” birthday for Tamia and
            Richton Park, IL.  The District took   this was a difficult time for all families   her family on Sunday at the Fine
            immediate care of 18 families. 17    involved in the fire, he was taken   Arts campus. We decided to make
            families are now at the Holiday      aback by Jackson losing her home for   sure that party happened for her,
            Inn in Matteson, IL.                 the second time.                    on behalf of the district and our
                                                                                     educational family,” Thomas said.
            One of our students impacted, Tamia   “This was a great opportunity for us   “She’s family. We thought it was
            Jackson, is a sophomore at Rich      to show how much we care for all    just a natural fit. So we opened
            Township, her family has actually    of our students.  Rich Township HS   our doors to make [sure she knew]
            lost everything for a second time to   Staff, the district office, the school   that we support her family in a very
            home fires. Her birthday was Tuesday,   board, and a plethora of community   difficult time.”

                                                                                                                RTHS 3

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