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RICH TOWNSHIP                                                     Non Profit Org
                                                                                                            US. Postage
                                         HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 227
                                         20550 South Cicero Avenue                                           PAID
                                         Matteson, IL 60443                                                 Permit #130
                                                                                                           Homewood, IL

                                                                RESIDENTIAL POSTAL CUSTOMER



         Amazon Partnership

         And Why It Is

         Important To Rich

         Township High School!

       What does the Amazon partnership      Science course will be exposed to an   household goods and toys, leaving
       mean for Rich Township High School    Edhesive curriculum, a fully sequenced   employees to focus on larger items
       students?  The district partners      and paced digital curriculum, that   and other tasks. These centers are
       with Amazon by participating in the   will prepare them for more advanced   promising not only for our computer
       Amazon Future Engineer program.       courses such as AP Computer Science,   science students, but also our students
                                             AP Computer Science principles and   in Robotics and Electronics courses
       Amazon Future Engineer is a comprehensive   Virtual and Augmented Reality.   as we prepare them for the emerging
       childhood-to-career program to inspire,                                    Mechatronics career field.
       educate, and train children and young   Matteson will be the home of one of
       adults from underserved and low-income   two Amazon fulfillment centers in the   These distribution centers represent
       communities to pursue careers in computer   south suburbs creating more than 2,000   internships and employment
       science that is a result of the collaborative   full-time jobs. The facility, which will   opportunities for students where they
       efforts of Amazon and Edhesive.       be located at 7001 Vollmer Road, will   can practically apply what they have
                                             employ the latest version of robotics   learned in class and learn even more
       The students who are currently enrolled   that automate the shipping of smaller   while they are on the job.
       in the Introduction to Computer       items such as books, electronics, small

                                                                                                                 10/10/20   1:10 PM
   RTHS Newsletter OCT.indd   8                                                                                  10/10/20   1:10 PM
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