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Rich Township


        THE OFFICIAL RICH TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 227 NEWSLETTER                                 APRIL 2021

                                            DERRICK PATRICK RTHS SENIOR

                                            Questbridge Scholarship Student

                                            & Notre Dame Bound!

                                            Derrick Patrick, an                                    wait to open it because
          Board Members                                                                            I didn’t want to open
                                            outstanding RTHS senior
          Andrea D. Bonds                                                                          it. When I clicked
          Board President                   who has committed to                                   the updated button,
                                            Notre Dame University
          Janice Preston                    and is a recipient of the                              confetti came down
          Vice President                                                                           and I saw that it said
                                            prestigious Questbridge                                congratulations. Then I
          Cheryl Coleman                    Scholarship.                                           saw that I had matched
                                                                                                   to Notre Dame, and
          Randy Alexander                   This is a highly competitive full                      I was stunned for a
          Board Member                      four-year academic scholarship                         minute,” said Patrick.
                                            toward an undergraduate degree                         As  a child, Derrick
          Mia Carter                        at any partner university. Derrick is                  lived in South Bend,
          Board Member
                                            1 of 1,464 students who was awarded the   Indiana for a while so this was a full circle
          Sharon Newman                     scholarship nationwide and 1 of only 90   moment for him.
          Board Member                      students matched to Notre Dame University.
                                                                                   It was important for Derrick to select a school
          Dr. Delores Woods
          Board Member                      The Questbridge Scholarship is open to   relatively close by because he wanted to be
                                            seniors who have primarily A’s in the most   an influence and role model for his younger
          Superintendent’s Cabinet          challenging courses available and that   sisters.  His advice to his sisters and other
          Dr. Johnnie Thomas                include honors, Advanced Placement,    students is the same rule he has followed,
          Superintendent                    and International Baccalaureate courses.   “Always stay focused in school and follow
                                            Qualifying students must rank in the top   your passion and aspirations.”
          Dr. Alicia Evans
          Assistant Superintendent          5% - 10% of their graduating class and have
          of Business & Operations          an SAT score above 1280. Additionally,   Derrick plans to major in finance and later
                                            applicants must demonstrate evidence of   attend law school. He hopes that his story
          Dr. Kim Echols                    strong writing ability, intellectual spark, and   encourages  others to believe  in their
          Assistant Superintendent
          of Human Resources                determination through essays and faculty   potential too.
          Dr. Stephen Bournés
          Assistant Superintendent          After  a long  application  process, Derrick   “It is not just about me and what
          of Educational Services
                                            found out in December that he was a finalist   I am doing.  It’s about what I
          Larry Varn                        for the award. When he was notified that   overcame and the challenges that
          Principal                         an update was available on the scholarship   I have faced in life.  I hope to
                                            portal, he was nervous at first. “I wanted to   inspire others through my story.”
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