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           International Baccalaureate


           EXPANDS IN 2021

                                                                                    There are still seats available for our rising
                                                                                    9th and 10th graders. If you would like
                                                                                    more information, please contact Janice
                                                                                    Wells at

                                                                                    George Vlahakis, IB MYP Individuals &
                                                                                    Society, and AP World History and Pre-AP
                                                                                    Fr. Geo. and World History, says, “Our IB
                                                                                    program is a great opportunity for
            Rich Township High School                                               the students because it helps them to
            District 227 is a candidate                                             think about how to solve the World’s
            school for the International        building an awesome teacher team to   problems.  The program is excellent
            Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years     support our students’ success.      for students  who want to think
            Programme (MYP). We will            The Middle Years Program is for all   deeply. It’s a unique opportunity and I
            expand our implementation           rising 9th and 10th graders, all students   enjoy teaching it.”
            of the MYP to include 200           are eligible. The MYP is a framework
            students in 9th and 10th grades     that inspires students to make practical   RTHS IB student Destane Williams
            in 2021!                            connections between their studies and   says, “The thing I like best about the
                                                the real world. Students are required   IB program are the teachers. The
            This district initiative is being led by a   to take seven classes both years: which   teachers do their very best to push us
            dynamic team: Janice Wells, Director of   must include a World Language and   with amazing lessons and do their best
            Fine Arts & IB; Dr. LaTonya Applewhite,   Fine Art class, in addition to the regular   to help us get a good understanding
            MYP Coordinator and Kimberly Gales,   core courses. RTHS will offer courses at   of the material they are trying to
            Diploma Coordinator. These leaders are   honors and regular level.  Students will   teach. Whenever I am confused and
            charged with guiding the district through   be prepared to succeed in IB, AP, honors   have a question, I always feel free to
            the process of becoming an authorized   and college-level classes in their junior   ask and they do the best that they can
            International Baccalaureate School and   and senior year.               to help me. “

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