Page 10 - NEW 플라이어 앞뒤_0219
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05. Sustainable Denim Washing – Wet process
Denim has been considered the most polluting textiles in the world because
of lots of using the chemicals and water that it requires to obtain the best
washes. Unfortunately, some denim companies still use a large amount of wa-
ter and chemical-based processes to wash their jeans. However, TCE is not.
We have applied new production techniques that significantly reduce water
and chemical usage. Alternatives are ozone washing, microbubble washing
and less water washing. In the process of dewatering denim, new dry ma-
chines are introduced to save energy consumption.
01 - Micro bubble washing machine
· Considerable number of finishing effects with the highest
· Minimal amount of water and zero discharge
· Shorten the process in time and steps
02 - Front loading less water washing machine
02 · Reduce the usage of water, steam, chemical, and energy
· Shorter process time
· Increase the efficiency
03 - Ozone washing machine
· Water and energy reductions
· Eliminate the need for toxic chemicals
· Less reprocessing
04 - Energy saving fast dry machine
· Less chemicals such as detergents, dispersive agents or anti-
· Less or No ozone
· Recirculates hot air as much as possible
· No lose or minimum loss of efficiency with the passing of time
05 - High speed & automatic 06 - Chemical Dispensing System 07 - Heat recovery dry machine
hydro extractor · The zero-fault amount of chemicals · Energy saving
· Achieve energy savings for drying · Improving the product quality and · Lower steam consumption
up to 400 Kcal./kg. of dry garments quality control · Lower electricity consumption
· Great efficiency · Safe for workers because no hu-
mans put harmful chemicals