Page 2 - NEW 플라이어 앞뒤_0219
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01.                  Reuse

                              Reuse gives new and powerful value to used resources and energy. So, TCE
                              implements the sustainable value of reusing in our denim production, in
                              order to curb excessive resources and energy use.
                              We reuse residual heat, steam, and cooling water. These reuse systems are
                              made possible by TCE’s refined eco-friendly technology.

                              110,200 liters/year of water

                              STEAM DRAIN RECYCLING SYSTEM
                              Our reusing system collects steam used in production and condenses it,
                              then takes the high- temperature water and vaporizes it for reuse.

                              435,000 liters/year of water

                              COOLING WATER RECYCLING SYSTEM
                              Cooling water is used to cool the cylinder of the production machine. Then
                              the water, which has only slightly increased in temperature, is collected
                              and reused back into the production process.

                              26,000 tons/year of steam

                              WASTE INCINERATION STEAM BOILER
                              TCE incinerates non-recyclable waste, producing up to 3 tons of steam per
                              hour. It is an eco-friendly boiler that recycles energy by making it possible to
                              reuse the generated waste as steam and using it in the production process.
                                                             (Total steam consumption is 150,000 tons/year)

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