Page 23 - LWFC Catalog
P. 23


                   avoiding the need for long-term bypass pumping.  Global Underground performed the sliplining
                   via horizontal directional drilling equipment, pulling in approximately 1.67M pounds of pipe over
                   43 days. After sliplining was complete, Cematrix Cellular Concrete Solutions performed annulus
                   grouting using low density cellular concrete.  The grout had a unit weight of 30 pcf with a minimum
                   compressive strength of 100 psi.  Approximately 7,400 cubic yards of grout was placed over 15
                   days.  This presentation focuses on the steps taken to mitigate the challenges associated with
                   grouting long distances with limited access in a relatively flat tunnel.  Initially, only the portals and
                   four ventilation shafts were available for grout injection, which at a spacing of approximately
                   1,500 feet proved to be too long for full encapsulation of the pipe.  Nine new grout injection
                   points were drilled into the tunnel, which reduced the injection point spacing to less than 500 feet,
                   allowing for successful completion of grouting.

        11AM -     Behavior of Reinforced Lightweight Cellular Concrete Retaining Structures Subjected to
       11:50AM     Cyclic Loading The increased use of reinforced lightweight cellular concrete retaining walls in
                   regions prone to seismic activity necessitates an understanding of the behavior of these structures
                   when they are subjected to cyclic loads. This study presents the results of shake table testing
                   conducted on model reinforced lightweight cellular concrete retaining walls. The models tested
                   consisted of a 1.8 m long by 1.2 m wide by 1.2 tall block of LCC material with a unit weight of
                   approximately 4 kN/m3. They were reinforced with a geo-grid layer at a height of 0.6 m and
                   instrumented with a series of accelerometers and strain gauges at different depths. On the shake
                   table, the model reinforced lightweight cellular concrete retaining walls were subjected to cyclic
                   loading  applied  in  the  form  of  sinusoidal  waves  with  varying  amplitudes  and  frequencies.  In
                   addition, the response of the models when they were subjected to the ground motions recording
                   during the 1994 Northridge Earthquake was also examined. Based on the results obtained from the
                   instrumentation  and  visual  observation
                   during  the  testing,  it  was  evident  that                                AERLITE-R            ™
                   the model reinforced lightweight cellular
                   concrete retaining walls experienced rigid                                  Low-Density Cellular Concrete (LDCC)
                   body  motion.  No  relative  deformations
                   were  noted  between  the  LCC  material        DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR ANNULAR FILLS
                   and the geo-grid layer. Furthermore, the
                   cyclic  loading  applied  did  not  induce         • High Pumpability
                   any  fractures  in  the  model  reinforced         • Pumped under low
                   lightweight  cellular  concrete  retaining           pressures and at
                                                                        greater distances
                   walls.                                               than any other
        11AM -     Early  Experiments  with  Light  Fill  in          • Reduces lateral
       11:50AM     the Squeezing Ground Conditions of                   loads on the new
                                                                        pipe and the
                   a Deep  Potash Mine  Saskatchewan                    bulkheads
                   potash  mines  are  at  depths  where  the         • Broad spectrum
                   overburden  load  is  at  or  exceeds  the           of densities and
                   long term strength properties of the salt.           compressive
                   Openings  are  therefore  subject  to  a             strengths
                   significant  amount  of  deformation  and          • Self-leveling & self-
                   room  closure.  Closure  rates  decrease             compacting
                   over  time  but  are  relentless  and
                   openings  can  completely  close.  The
                   industry has developed techniques and
                   mining sequences which allow openings
                   to  be  maintained  for  many  years.
                   Notwithstanding   these  methods   there
                                     (continued on next page)                             
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