Page 27 - LWFC Catalog
P. 27

SPEAKER              BIOS

                         Beena  Ajmera,  PhD, PE (CA)  Dr.  Ajmer  a  is,  currently,  an  Assistant  Professor  in  the
                         Department of Civil and Environmental ngineering at North Dakota State University (NDSU).
                         She has co-authored over 100 papers in various areas of geotechnical engineering including
                         fully softened shear strength and compressibility of soil, soil modification, soil dynamics, and
                         lightweight cellular concrete. She is has received several prestigious awards for her work
                         including the 2020 ASCE Collingwood Prize, the 2020 ASCE Thomas A. Middlebrooks Awards,
                         the inaugural Oldrich Hungr Award from the International Consortium on  Landslides, the
                         National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and the Dwight D. Eisenhower
                         Transportation  Fellowship  twice.  Dr.  Ajmera  has  supervised  or  co-supervised  over  45
      undergraduate and graduate students on various research projects and provided research experiences to
      over 50 community college, high school and visiting international undergraduate students. Prior to joining
      NDSU in August 2018, Dr. Ajmera was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental
      Engineering at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF). She received her B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, B.A. in
      Applied Mathematics and M.Sc. in Civil Engineering from CSUF before obtaining her Ph.D. in Civil Engineering
      with  focus  in  Geotechnical  Engineering  from  Virginia  Tech  in  2015.  Dr.  Ajmera  is  a  licensed  professional
      engineer in the State of California.

      Iván Alhama, PhD. Iván finished the Bachelor’s and PhD degrees in Geological Sciences.
      He is currently a Full Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of
      Cartagena, Cartagena, Spain, where his focus is on ground engineering. His research areas
      are in seepage, soil consolidation, EPS Geofoam, and geotechnics.

                         David Arellano,  PhD.  Dr.Arellano  has  been  an  assistant  and  associate
                         professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Memphis since August
                         2005. Previously, he worked in private practice for nearly 10 years for several geotechnical
                         engineering consulting firms and was an officer in the Corps of Engineers in the U.S. Army
                         Reserve for 22 years and retired at the rank of Major. During his 22 years of military reserve
                         service,  he  was  involved  in  construction  projects  in  various  countries  such  as  American
                         Samoa, Panama, Jordan, Kenya, and Germany. He was deployed to Kuwait for 1 year
                         as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom from 2003 to 2004. Dr. Arellano has been involved in
      lightweight fill research since 1999. Dr. Arellano’s research focus areas are use of lightweight fill to improve
      ground conditions and natural hazard mitigation.

      Steven Bartlett, PhD. Dr. Bartlett has 30 years of research, design, and construction. He
      has been involved with several projects associated with accelerated construction using
      lightweight  materials.  His  specialty  areas  are  geotechnical  earthquake  engineering,
      consolidation  settlement,  liquefaction  evaluations,  accelerated  construction,  soil
      stabilization,  and  geosystem  instrumentation.  He  has  worked  on  projects  that  include:
      nuclear  facilities,  highways,  railways,  foundation  systems,  slope  stabilization,  earthen
      dams, mine tailings, buried pipelines, land reclamation, green roofs, and hazardous and
      radioactive waste disposal facilities.

                          Stan Boyle, PhD, PE, D.GE., M.ASCE. Dr. Boyle has over 35 years of geotechnical design and
                          construction experience.  Early in his career Stan worked on construction sites and assisted
                          with construction cost estimating for heavy civil engineering construction projects including
                          earth  dams,  irrigation  canals,  pipelines,  soil  cement,  pump  stations,  deep  excavations,
                          material processing, and highways.  Stan has been employed at Shannon & Wilson, Inc.,
                          Seattle, Washington since the mid-1990s where he has provided design services for a wide
                          range of water, sewer, highway, transit, railroad, dam, and levee projects.  In his practice,
                          he has employed a Systems Approach to not just develop engineering solutions, but with
      an objective of integrating more sustainable solutions.  Stan is active in the Seattle Geotechnical Group, is on
      the Board of Governors for the ASCE Geo-Institute, and is a former International Geosynthetics Society – North
      American Chapter Board member.
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