Page 25 - LWFC Catalog
P. 25

loads imposed from structural fill, cellular concrete was selected as a value engineering option
                     for backfilling the ramp.  The use of cellular concrete as backfill reduce the imposed loads on
                     the closure system by almost 60%, reducing the required tierod levels, number of tierods, and
                     size of the deadman which drastically shrunk the construction schedule and overall impacts.

          1PM -      Introducing the Guide to Lightweight Cellular Concrete for Geotechnical Applications
         1:50PM      The  Portland  Cement  Association,  in  collaboration  with  the  National  Concrete  Pavement
                     Technology Center, has recently completed and made available a document titled Guide
                     for  Lightweight  Cellular  Concrete  for  Geotechnical  Applications.    The  primary  purpose  of
                     this  free  guide  is  to  provide  information  for  construction  professionals  and  design  engineers
                     on the materials, properties, design, proper handling, and applications of lightweight cellular
                     concrete (LCC) for geotechnical applications, including common uses, conceptual guidance,
                     and design guidelines.  The document was made possible through the invaluable contributions
                     from members of the lightweight fill community who helped establish the technical direction
                     for the guide. This presentation will introduce the guide and examine its contents to include the
                     benefits and applications of using LCC for geotechnical projects, materials, and properties of
                     both fresh and hardened LCC, examples of both mix design preparation and field installation,
                     geotechnical evaluation, and the design, construction, and field testing of LCC, among other
                     topics.  A discussion of a guide specification covering the materials, equipment, construction
                     inspection, and testing requirements for constructing LCC fills will also be included.  Lastly, this
                     presentation will stress how the guide addresses the importance of geotechnical oversight at
                     the beginning of a project, during the mix design stage, and during construction to ensure that
                     projects meet their intended purpose.

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