Page 6 - LWFC Catalog
P. 6


                                                  Wednesday, October 20 EST                                                                Wednesday, October 20 EST

          8AM -                                MEET & GREET WITH THE EXHIBITORS
         9:50AM                 TRACK 1                           TRACK 2                            TRACK 3

                       Moderator - Theresa Loux                 Moderator -                        Moderator -

         10AM  -    Sebastian Sajoux, Arqlite© |      Kyle M Rollins, Christian          Jenny Liu, Missouri University
        10:50AM     Transforming NonRecyclable        Lundskog, Ryan Wilkinson,          of Science and Technology
                    Plastics into Lightweight         Brigham Young University           | Use of Low-Density Cellular
                    Construction Materials            | Large-Scale Testing of           Concrete for Air Convection
                                                      Lightweight Cellular Concrete      Embankment to Protect
                                                      Backfill for Retaining Walls       Permafrost Foundations in
                                                      SPONSORED BY:                      Cold Regions

       11:00AM -    Mark Creps, Elastizell            Ken Fishman, Hamid Fakhri,         Jiong Hu, University
        11:40AM     Corporation of America |          McMahon & Mann Consulting          of Nebraska Lincoln
                    Current Practices: Specifying     Engineering and Geology,           Performance of Cellular
                    Lightweight Cellular Concrete     P.C. | Evaluating the              Concrete for Potential
                    for Geotechnical Applications     corrosivity of lightweight fills   Engineering Material Arresting
                                                      used in the construction of        System (EMAS) Applications
                                                      MSE retaining walls

        12:00PM -                    LUNCH BREAK - MEET & GREET WITH THE EXHIBITORS
                                TRACK 1                           TRACK 2                            TRACK 3
                              Moderator -                 Moderator - John Kevern                  Moderator -

          1PM -     John Delashaw, Madrid             Jiong Hu, University of            Peter Gross, Siplast |Creating
         1:50PM     CPWG; Nico Sutmoller, Aerix       Nebraska Lincoln |Bioinspired      Reusable Roof Insulation
                    Industries |First Use of PLDCC    Cellular Concrete-UHPC             Systems with Lightweight Fill
                    in Florida: West Eloise Loop Rd   Composite Materials
                    SPONSORED BY:

          2PM -     Gary Ledford, Jacobs              Steven F. Bartlett, University     María Encarnación Martínez-
         2:50 PM    Engineering Group | Light         of Utah | Application of           Moreno, Gonzalo García-Ros,
                    Weight Fill at Port Canaveral’s   Lightweight Materials to the       Iván Alhama - Universidad
                    Cruise Terminal 3 Wharf           Support of Rail Systems            Politécnica de Cartagena:
                    SPONSORED BY:                                                        Jan Vaslestad, Statens
                                                                                         Vegvesen | Laboratory
                                                                                         tests for characterizing EPS

          3PM -
         3:50 PM                     COFFEE BREAK - MEET & GREET WITH THE EXHIBITORS
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