Page 7 - LWFC Catalog
P. 7


                                                  Wednesday, October 20 EST                                                                Wednesday, October 20 EST

                                TRACK 1                           TRACK 2                            TRACK 3
                              Moderator -                       Moderator -                Moderator - David Arellano

          4PM -     Stan Peters, Castle Rock           A.T. Özer, Gebze Technical        Jie Han, The University of
         4:50 PM    Consulting | Development           University; P. Caymaz,            Kansas | Laboratory Study
                    of Permeability Testing for        Austrotherm Turkey; E.            on Pullout Capacities of Steel
                    Permeable Low-Density              Türer, Austrotherm Turkey |       and Geogrid Reinforcements
                    Cellular Concrete                  Rehabilitation of Mechanically    in Lightweight Cellular
                    SPONSORED BY:                      Stabilized Earth Bridge           Concrete Fill
                                                       Approach Embankments
                                                       Using Geofoam Blocks: Hybrid
                                                       Approach Embankment

          5PM -     Binod Tiwari, California State     Theresa Loux, Aero                Dr. Fariborz M. Tehrani, PhD,
          5:50PM    University Fullerton; Beena        Aggregates of North America,      PE, ENV SP, FASCE, California
                    Ajmera, North Dakota State         LLC | Ultra-Lightweight           State University, Fresno |
                    University; Diego Villegas,        Foamed Glass Aggregate:           Experimental Dynamic
                    Cell-Crete Corp; Ryan Maw,         A Green Choice for Resilient      Analyses of Lightweight
                    Gerhart Cole, Inc. | Static        Construction                      Reinforced Embankments
                    and Dynamic Properties of          SPONSORED BY:
                    Lightweight Cellular Concrete
                    SPONSORED BY:

        6PM - 8PM MEET & GREET WITH THE EXHIBITORS - Virtual Social Hour & Visit the Lounges!

                         Visit our Virtual Exhibit on Low-Density Cellular Concrete
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