Page 8 - LWFC Catalog
P. 8


       Thursday, October 21 EST                                                                      Thursday, October 21 EST

          8AM -                                 MEET & GREET WITH THE EXHIBITORS
                                TRACK 1                           TRACK 2                            TRACK 3
                       Moderator - Theresa Loux                 Moderator -                        Moderator -

          10AM -     Gary T. Brill, Schnabel           Robert Parsons, University of     James Diver, Construc
         10:50AM     Engineering, LLC; David           Kansas | Cellular Concrete        Industries | Mixing for Quality
                     Arellano, University of           as Retaining Wall Backfill Test   and Profit: The Time is Now
                     Memphis | Use of Geofoam          Section                           SPONSORED BY:
                     Blocks for Retaining Wall and
                     Bridge Approach Backfill for
                     Transportation Projects

          11AM -     Margaret (Peggy) Ganse,           Binod Tiwari, California State    A. Dave Mackintosh, ADM
         11:50AM     Shannon & Wilson | Long-          University Fullerton; Beena       Consulting Limited | Early
                     Distance Annulus Backfilling      Ajmera, North Dakota State        Experiments with Light Fill
                     of Rehabilitated Sewer Tunnel     University; Diego Villegas, Cell-  in the Squeezing Ground
                     with Limited Grouting Access      Crete Corporation | Behavior      Conditions of a Deep Potash
                                                       of Reinforced Lightweight         Mine
                                                       Cellular Concrete Retaining
                                                       Structures Subjected to Cyclic
          12PM -                     LUNCH BREAK - MEET & GREET WITH THE EXHIBITORS
                                TRACK 1                           TRACK 2                            TRACK 3
                              Moderator -                       Moderator -                Moderator - David Arellano

          1PM -      John Kevern, University of        Seth Knihtila P.E., Michael W.    Greg Halsted, P.E., Portland
          1:50PM     Missouri, Kansas City |           Oakland, PhD, P.E., Thornton      Cement Association |
                     Exploring the Potential:          Tomasetti; Will Traylor, M. A.    Introducing the Guide to
                     Permeable Cellular Concrete       Mortenson Company | Filling       Lightweight Cellular Concrete
                     Designed for Pollutant            in the Ramp: Backfilling a        for Geotechnical Applications
                     Removal                           Construction Access Ramp
                                                       with Cellular Concrete

          2PM -      Dan Seely, IGES and University  Peter G Suah P.E., Antillian
         2:50 PM     of Utah | Laboratory Testing      Engineering Assoc., Inc.|
                     of LDCC for Characterization      Using Low-Density Cellular-
                     of Material Properties            Concrete Fill to Mitigate
                                                       Foundation Settlement and
                                                       Accelerate Construction
                                                       Schedule: McLeod Rd Solid-
                                                       Waste Transfer Station, Orange
                                                       County, Florida - A Case
                                                       SPONSORED BY:

          3PM -
          3:50PM                     COFFEE BREAK - MEET & GREET WITH THE EXHIBITORS
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