Page 48 - Fujifilm Exposure_42 Cheri_ok
P. 48

    Photo top: Saffron Burrows; above l-r: Peter Howitt, writer, director and star of Dangerous Parking; DP Zoran Veljkovic
P Zoran Velkjovic on Danger- Dous Parking, written, directed
by and starring Peter Howitt – together with Saffron Bur- rows, Tom Conti and Sean
Pertwee – from the semi-autobio- graphical, time-shifting novel by Stuart Browne about an alcoholic, drug-taking filmmaker who’s dying of cancer.
“This movie is dealing with two different periods in the main character’s life, which are heavily intercut and mixed during whole film. Because of that, I had to dis- tinguish them visually but support them emotionally.
“One is his wild period fuelled by alcohol and drugs. Naturally, this was full of his personal per- ception and had a strong visual look with plenty of hand-held cam- era and unusual framing.
“The other one is his middle aged period with more settled life. I tried to treat visually every scene separately as a postcard from his life. The structure of this film is
constantly jumping between peri- ods which are not linearly con- nected and I wanted to give the viewer strong sense of emotional charge as soon as the scene starts.
“The fact that main character was a filmmaker gave me an op- portunity to use film tools and plenty of visual film references to express his feelings. For example, I had a hand-cranked camera (alongside with other cameras), which I used during his drunken outbursts. It was operated chang- ing the speed all the time during the shot.
“That gave me a strong pres- ence of film medium and brought us closer to film maker’s view of the world. I used ETERNA 500T 8573 and ETERNA 250D 8563 which mixed very well together and gave me great deal of details to play with in the DI process.
“We had fun grading this film. According with a main charac- ter’s life grading was extreme in some parts.”
    Photo top: Director Danny Boyle; above: DP Anthony Dod Mantle; right: a scene from Slumdog Millionaire
irector Danny Boyle and cine- Dmatographer Anthony Dod Mantle BSC DFF, who previ-
ously collaborated on 28 Days
Later and Millions, have been shooting FilmFour/Celador’s Slum- dog Millionaire in India.
From a script by Simon Beaufoy (The Full Monty), the $15m film cen- tres on Ram (Dev Patel), an 18-year- old from the Mumbai slums who’s just one question away from winning the jackpot on India’s version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
The story follows the lives of three friends at ages six, 12 and 18 with Ram’s tales of his troubled life and of his pals embedded in each of his answers to the game show’s var- ied array of questions.
35mm Fujicolor ETERNA 500T 8573, ETERNA 250D 8563, Reala 500D 8592, Super F-64D 8522

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