Page 9 - 75_EMAIL 2017 CORRESPONDENCE to 7-4-17
P. 9

From: Michele Hillgarth Subject: reply to your emails of 23-1-17 and 24-1-17
Date: 27 January 2017 at 16:29
To: Paul Constable, Paul Constable
Cc: Jamil Raja
In spite of your increasingly irra4onal, incoherent and offensive communica4ons, there remains one unalterable fact – that you persistently refuse to tell the lessees how much of their money you transferred to yourself for the unauthorised and unscheduled refurbishment work at Mitre House.
The reason why the other lessees have chosen not to engage with you, and leave it to me, is that they cannot bear to receive any further abuse of the kind they received in 2013-2014 when we were discussing the refurbishment, and when, in spite of all their comments, you simply did exactly what you had intended to do all along.
Re the Audit, you s4ll persist in making up the law. The cost of audi4ng MHML, (as opposed to cer4fying the service charges) is chargeable to the company itself, as I believe you and Jamil Raja both accept. You have no right, as you must know, to make me pay personally for a charge which is the company’s (thus all the shareholders’) responsibility.
I will wait a liRle longer (but not much longer) for a more balanced and ra4onal response from Mr Raja before taking ac4on. I hope you will encourage him to make his posi4on clear.
Michele Hillgarth
PS: Unless you are prepared to provide a coherent reply to the addressed issue ,there is no point in sending your normal irrelevant correspondence .

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