Page 220 - The Big Begg_1
P. 220
suppose could resemble thermal long johns to the uninitiated? Where do you get these ideas from Michele?
This is not the only accounHng anomaly. The Service Charge Accounts for the year to 31 December 2014 clearly state that no surveyor’s fees were paid or accrued in 2014 (see page 8 of the Accounts at Item 4 of the Second Schedule, which shows a nil entry for 2014 in respect of the line item marked “Surveyor’s Fees”). However in a leaer dated 10 June 2016 Mr Brown-Constable asserts that surveyor’s fees were in fact paid in 2014 and that these were included in the “Reserves uHlised” figure of £105,877 shown in the line immediately below it.
The s.20 dated 22 June 2014 made very clear that all listed costs included vat and fees which we felt was a far more transparent and sensible way of informing lessees of the (hoped for) total outlay as opposed to, admittedly, the more usual commercial preference of costs plus vat and fees. In our opinion that is an open ended contract having no easy way of computing final outlay. Example "what fees, how much are they?" etc. The s.20 issued by MHML on 22 June 2014 included our anticipated Surveyor's fees, their vat and the vat of the contractor which is why we made clear "all costs include vat and fees" - surely a sensible and totally transparent communication as opposed to what you are insinuating as being somewhat devious because no mention of Surveyor's fees was indicated under Reserves Utilised.
However these are mere niceHes compared with the most obvious and glaring accounHng error. It goes without saying that the leaseholders should have been informed in the Service Charge Accounts that out of the aggregate refurbishment figure of £105,877 charged to the leaseholders the sum of £31,765.21 had in fact been paid to MHML, parHcularly as the leaseholders had been led to expect that all the refurbishment monies would be paid to AR Lawrence – and certainly not to their own landlord.
This was not retained by MHML but spent by MHML for the benefit of all lessees from savings made from the s.20 budget of £105,019 on additional works as you well know, and includes all costs incurred. How else, other than requesting further