Page 8 - PRACOT Proposal 2018
P. 8
Documenting Lai Thai Classical Art Pattern will require the process and resource. First, the Pattern has a panoply of shapes and forms. They must be identi ed by the experts to which extent is “Basic” or “Advance.” As illustrated in the The Lotus Lai Thai Pattern, the basic Lotus Drawing can grow into so- phisticated and more complex pattern. This pattern will also turn into even more advance drawing, when it is mixed with other basic Lai Thai drawing. To contain this dubious notion of “Basic” or “Advance”, the PRACOT will host a seminar with the cooperation of the Ministry of Culture. It will be the process of information collecting to quail the problem. Seminar will also serve as the participation process, that the Stakeholders are involve.
When the direction is clear, PRACOT must have a qualify team, software, and hardware to accomplish the Database Management System building. The team will be collecting the artwork and converting them digitally. The collections of Lai Thai Classical Pattern will be stored and managed as an Open Source. Certain version of them will be free for the public and the more advance version will be available to the member. More discussion this topic will appear in the Project Sustainability section.
Database Management System and Website building is the part asking for the grant from ACPF. Beyond this step, PRACOT will sustain and build the extension by using the funds prescribed in the Project Sus- tainability section.
2.Application of Thai Classical Art on Objects in Rattanakosin Era
Once we have the “Basic” of Lai Thai Classical Art Pattern, PRACOT will need a practicing period to debug the system. The project will use the smaller objects of everyday life as a means for practice. Ob- jects such as Benjarong Stoneware, Silver Tray, Pill Box, Benut Nut Serving Set, etc. Thais are not using them presently in everyday life. These objects exist only in the museum or household showcase. While preserving their images, PRACOT project will use them as a practicing step before taking on the larger objects.