Page 18 - chfa2015CommRpt
P. 18

affordable rental housing                                                        how chfa
                                                                                 supports affordable
With record low vacancy rates and      to help developers and other              rental housing
rising rents in 2015, resources to     homeless service providers create
support affordable rental housing      high-quality supportive housing for       CHFA believes our state
became increasingly critical. The      those experiencing homelessness.          will be stronger when all
availability of the new state Low      Due to the success of the program,        Coloradans have access to
Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC),     more homeless housing units were          safe and affordable housing.
allowed CHFA to nearly double the      supported by CHFA in 2015 than in         To further our mission,
number of housing units supported      any other single year in our history.     we provide loans and tax
and better serve Colorado’s most                                                 credits to affordable rental
vulnerable populations, including      To further invest in affordable rental    housing developers to
those displaced by the 2013 floods.    housing last year, CHFA:                  help them build new and
Additionally, the CHFA-sponsored                                                 preserve existing multifamily
Pathways Home Supportive Housing       ■■partnered with the City of Denver to    housing. The resulting
Toolkit proved effective in 2015. The     administer its $10 million revolving   construction activity generate
Toolkit is a resource designed            loan fund;                             economic investment and
                                                                                 jobs in Colorado.
15                                     ■■was approved by the U.S.
                                          Department of Treasury and             We work with local
                                          HUD to offer a new permanent           communities to meet their
                                          financing loan program with below      unique housing needs, and
                                          market interest rates for affordable   we collaborate with lenders,
                                          multifamily developers;                nonprofits, and government
                                                                                 agencies to offer financing
                                       ■■expanded the uses and advantages        solutions. To help ensure a
                                          of our Housing Opportunity             development’s success, CHFA
                                          Fund; and                              provides technical assistance
                                                                                 and education for property
                                       ■■launched a formal preservation          owners, staff, and residents.
                                          strategy for affordable rental units   We know strong communities
                                          across the state in coordination with  make strong economies, and
                                          key state and local partners.          we are proud to play a role.
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