P. 3

The  more  important  1946  deparinental  activities  are  discussed  in
                detail  under  their  respective  divisions  later  in  the  report.   The  financial
                section,  starting  on  page  20,  contains  the  Consolidated  Balance  Sheet,
                Income  and  Earned  Surplus  Statements,  and  supplementary  information
                comprising the independent auditors' I`eport.

                     It  should  be  borne  in  mind  that  Gulf's  net  earnings  for  1946  wel.e
                made possible by the reinvestment of a substantial portion of the earnings
                realized  in  fomer  years.   The  expanding  demand  for  products  of  the
                petroleum industry and the necessity of more completely integrating the
                producing, refining and transportation facilities of the Company have for
                some years necessitated such  reinvesinent of current earnings and con-
                sequent limitation on dividends.  Nevertheless, in 1946,  as in prior years,
                the Company has paid substantial dividends to its stockholders.

                     Consolidated net income was $58,284,830 compared with $45,213,640
                in 1945.   This net income is equal to $6.42 a share on the 9,076,202 shares
                outstanding against $4.98 a share in the preceding year.   Net  sales reve-
                nues   and   all   other   income   totaled   $571,000,000   compared   with
                $510,800,000 in  1945.

                     The higher net earnings  came from  much  larger gross revenues,  a
                dividend  of  Sl,126,948  from  a  European  marketing  subsidiary,  and  the
                fact  that,  in  contrast  with  1945,  nothing  was  set  aside  from  earnings  for

                     Foreign operations in the Western Hemisphere produced net eal`nings
                Of  S14,loo,000  or  $3,000,000  above  1945.   They  are  included  in  con-
                solidated net earnings.
                     Earnings  of  subsidiaries  and  associated  companies  in  the  Eastern
                Hemisphere are not included in the consolidated income.  This group in-
                cludes  the  European marketing subsidiaries,  and companies engaged in
                exploratory and development operations in Kuwait end elsewhere.

                     Cash dividends paid to stockholders in 1946 were $22,690,505 com-
                pared   with   $18,152,404   in   1945.   The   balance   of   current   earnings,
                $35,594,325, was retained in the busines; in the form of additional invest-
                ments  in  properties,  plant,  equipment  and  other  assets.  In  1945  current

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