P. 6

Gross inveshaent in properties, plant,  and equipment at the close of
             the year was carried on the bocks at cost value of Sl,072,600,000. The net
              value Of such invesinents  (after allowing for depreciation and depletion
              reserves)  was  $482,400,000 or  45%  Of  cost.  The summarized plant in-
              vestment,  divided  according  to  departments,  along  with  current  actual
              additions to plant, i§ shown on page 25.
                   Additional  related  fixed  assets,  representing  chiefly  invesinents  in
              subsidiary and affiliated companies not consolidated, tngether with certain
              security  investments  and  intangible  assets,  totaled  $44,600,000  (net).

                   Taxes  levied  on  the  Company  and  its  sales  to  customers  last  year
              totaled S154,500,000.   As summarized on page 22, this was equal to S17.02
              a share on the capital stock outstanding.
                   Direct sales and other excise taxes included above were S120,loo,000.
              These taxes were collected by Gulf for various governmantal taxing au-
              thorities.  They are,  therefore,  excluded from the income statement as in
              former years.

                                  q3bde @tl g,,`

                   New  crude  oil  production  records  were  established  for  hath  do-
              mestic  and   foreign  operations,  with  gross  production  of  149,600,OcO
              barrels and net production Of 126,200,000 barrels, as detailed on page 19.
              The increase in Venezuela crude oil production accounted for most Of the
              gain.  Production Of Kuwait crude oil is not included in the above figures
              as the Company's 50% interest in Kuwait Oil Cc)mpany,  Ltd., is not con-
              solidated in this Report.
                   Ifomestic production last yeal., as in 1945, cane from fields in Arkansas,
              California,   Illinois,   Indiana,   Kansas,   Kentucky,   Louisiana,   Michigan,
              Mississippi,  New Mexico,  Oklahoma and Texas.

                   Gulf  in  1947  plans  substantial  expansion  Of  both  development  and
              exploration drilling to insure its full participation in the future development
              of the industry.
                   Fewer wells were completed in 1946 than during 1945, as the result of
              scarcity of needed equipment and material,  and delays  in  transportation.

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