P. 4

earnings so reinvested were $27,061,236.  Cash dividends in 1946 Of $2.50
              a  share  consisted  of  the  usual  qudrter]y  cliviclends  Of  25¢  a  share,  four
              special  dividends  of  25¢  each,  and  a  year-end  special  dividend  of  50¢
              a share.

              WARTIME   CONTBACTS
                   Renegotiation proceedings relative to profits realized during the  war
              years from renegotiable sales Of products directly or indirec`tly to Govern-
              ment Agencies have been reviewed as required under the Renegotiation
              Act.  Official notification has been received from the United States Govern-
              ment that no excessive profits were realized by the Company during thc>se
              wartime years.

                   During the  year no additional contingency provisions were set aside
              from current income because the reserve of Sl9, loo, 000 for cc)ntingencies
              forovided  for  in  years  before  1946)  is  considered  sufficient  to  cover all
              possible expenses or ob]igdtions that might arise,  not specifically provided
              for elsewhere.

              PLANT   EXHAUSTION
                   There  was  deducted  from  current  inc`ome  $59,400,000  for  use  of
              properties, plant, and equipment,  and for abandonments and other retire-
              ments.   Such provisions  for depletion,  depreciation,  and amortization,  in-
              cluc]ing  cost  of dry  holes  and  incomplete  wildcat  (or  exploratory)  wells,
              are considered adequate.

              WORXINC    CAPITAL
                   Current   assets,   including   $45,800`,006   cash   resources,   totaled
              S177,GOO, 000 at the end Of the year and curl`ent liabilities were $94,400,000.
              The difference,  representing  net working  capital,  at  the end of 1946 was
              $83,200,000, or about the same as at the close of 1945.

                   There have been excluded from current assets $8,790,000 of special
              cash depesits and United  States Government  Securities  representing  that
              portion of  the Pipe  Line  Department's  eal`nings  not  available  for general
              col.porate purposes,  ds further explained on page 23.

                   With  the  passing  of  the  war  years,  receivables  from  United  States
              Government Agencies have been  cut sharply  and at the end of last year
              were only Sl,797,000.

                   Crude  and  refined  oil  inventories  o£  $62,300,000  on  December  31,
              1946 are valued conservatively at cost, in ac`cord with the Compdny's regu-

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