Page 4 - FCSF New Patient Guide NPG0516 1.30.18
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                                                                      At FCS, we practice personalized

                                                                      medicine; each treatment plan is

                                                                      customized for the individual patient.

                                                                      T ere are many dif erent forms of cancer and multiple treatment
                                                                      options. At FCS, our goal is to provide treatment while helping
                                                                      you to continue your normal life and schedule as much as possible.
                                                                      Af er determining what your options are, and reviewing both the
                                                                      benef ts and risks, you and your doctor will choose a treatment plan
                                                                      that is best for you.

                                                                      Of course, patient reactions to treatment may vary. T e best way to
                                                                      prepare is to be informed, so we will address questions about side
                                                                      ef ects,  treatment  frequency,  and  medications.  We  will  also  talk
                                                                      about any possible impact on your normal work or life schedule.


                                                                      One of the most common and ef ective treatments of cancer is the
                                                                      infusion of anti-cancer medications with an intravenous solution,
                                                                      known  as  chemotherapy  or  “chemo.”  Since  every  human  body
                                                                      is  dif erent,  administration  and  results  of  the  infusions  are  also
                                                                      unique to each patient. Our physicians and nursing staf  monitor
                                                                      each patient’s progress, making adjustments as needed to ensure
                                                                      optimal ef ectiveness.

                                                                      Treatment rooms are designed with your comfort in mind. Each
                                                                      room  includes  specially  designed  lounge  chairs,  and  our  expert
                                                                      nursing  teams  provide  the  highest  level  of  oncological  care.  At
                                                                      FCS,  our  model  of  community-based  oncology  enables  patients
                                                                      to go about their daily lives without lengthy or disruptive travel to
                                                                      receive chemotherapy or other treatments.

                                                                      ORAL ONCOLYTICS

                                                                      Oral medications are becoming more popular as the treatment of
                                                                      cancer advances. Approximately 35% of all cancer medications are
                                                                      now in a pill form and may be recommended to you as a treatment
                                                                      option.  While  this  treatment  option  may  not  require  frequent
                                                                      or extended visits to your FCS location since the medication is
                                                                      provided at home, it is imperative that you follow your physician’s
                                                                      orders  on  dosing  frequency  and  handling  instructions.  It  is
                                                                      recommended that you stay in close contact with your FCS location
                                                                      on any side ef ects or concerns associated with your ability to take
                                                                      any of these medications.  If you are able to f ll your prescription
                                                                      through our in-house pharmacy our oncology trained pharmacists
                                                                      will collaborate with your physician and assist in the management
                                                                      of your oral treatment.

          4       World Class Medicine. Hometown Care.
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