P. 17
The soil is sandy clay, the territory is
Location: covered with wooded savannahs in-
The territory of Kamonia, formerly terspersed with forest galleries in the
known as Tshikapa territory, is a de- West and South. The North-East hosts
concentrated entity within the Kasai the forest from where the equatorial
province of the Democratic Republic of forest begins.
The subsoil is very rich in minerals, es-
It is limited: pecially diamonds.
• In the North by the territories of ILE-
BO and LUEBO, Particularities of the territory
• To the South by the People’s Repub- The territory of Kamonia shares its bor-
lic of Angola, ders with the People’s Republic of Ango-
• To the East by the territories of KA- la in its entire southern part, presenting
ZUMBA and LUIZA, itself as a real place of commercial ex-
• To the West by the provinces of change of agricultural and non-agricul-
KWANGO and KWILU (formerly Band- tural products between the territory of
undu). Kamonia and the People’s Republic of
Geographic coordinates: The territory of Kamonia is intersected
52°44’south latitude, 20°56’20’’ east lon- by rivers such as the Kasai River and its
gitude and 6°52’44’’ south longitude. tributaries: the Lumbembe, Tshipum-
bu, Kasadisadi, Tshikapa, longatshimo,
Climate, Temperature and Season: kabungu Rivers, which collect the wa-
The territory of Kamonia has a temper- ters coming from Angola, the Luange
ate climate varying between 12° to 33° River which constitutes a natural bor-
essentially characterized by two sea- der with the province of Bandundu, as
sons in particular: the dry season going well as the rivers Lumpemba, lovua,
from Mid-May to Mid-August of each Lushiku, lungudi, lunyeka, Tshimbin-
year. The rainy season from mid-Au- da, longatshimo.
gust to mid-May.
Building Recovery For Kasai (BUREKA) - 17