P. 75

Success Story

                                     The Bureka project reduces WASH-related diseases

                                     by rehabilitating water sources.

                                     “ Since I began drinking water from the source, no one in my family has been admitted to the hospital

                                     with typhoid.” said Mr. Robert KATEMA , beneficiary of the BUREKA project.

                                     Water, sanitation, and hygiene ac-                                                                        in the majority of residents fleeing  aware of proper sanitation and hy-

                                     tivities continue to be a major chal-                                                                     for their safety. Robert is a BUREKA  giene practices. Because there are

                                     lenge in BUREKA’s intervention  beneficiary who has benefited from  no latrines, water sources are con-

                                     area. Most people do not have ac-                                                                         all of the project’s assistance (agri-                                                                     taminated, particularly during the

                                     cess to clean and safe drinking wa-                                                                       culture, WASH and VSLA). Howev-                                                                            rainy season. Robert and his fami-

                                     ter. Furthermore, they do not have  er, Robert is sharing his experience  ly have been collecting water from

                                     access to adequate hygiene services.  with WASH assistance in his village.  the protected sources for drinking

                                     ADRA, through  BUREKA,  planned  There were no rehabilitated sourc-                                                                                                                                                  and other household uses since the

                                     to improve access to safe water  es in the village prior to ADRA’s in-                                                                                                                                               water sources were rehabilitated.

                                     through  water source rehabilita-                                                                         tervention. The community lacked  “Since I began drinking water from

                                     tion and a community campaign on  access to  clean and  safe drinking  the source, no one in my family has

                                     good hygiene practices.                                                                                   water. The majority of people used  been  admitted  to  the  hospital  with

                                                                                                                                               to get their water from unprotected  typhoid.” As a result, the money I

                                     Robert KATEMA lives in the village  sources.                                                                                                                                                                         used to spend on hospital bills is now

                                     of Kamundele,  in  the  health  zone  “I spent a lot of money with my chil-                                                                                                                                          available for other purposes, such

                                     of Kamonia, in the health area of  dren in the hospital.”  My  children  as paying my daughter’s school fees

                                     Mukuandjanga. He is a farmer and  were  diagnosed with typhoid and  and purchasing food for my family.”

                                     the father of three children, two  other water-related  diseases ev-                                                                                                                                                 I’d like to express my gratitude to

                                     girls and one boy. Claudine KATE-                                                                         ery time they were admitted to the  ADRA/USAID for their assistance.

                                     MA, her eldest daughter, is 20 years  hospital. This had a significant im-

                                     old, Mbombo KATEMA, her second  pact  on  my  financial  situation  be-                                                                                                                                              I am speaking as an individual, but

                                     daughter, is 18 years old, and her  cause  the  little  money  I  had  saved  the  impact of WASH  activities is

                                     son, Lufalanga KATEMA, is 14 years  was used to pay hospital bills, and  felt throughout the community. We

                                     old.                                                                                                      thus poverty knocked on my door,”  used to report so many cases relat-

                                     Kamundele is a small village on the  said  Robert,  one  of  the  BUREKA  ed to WASH activities here, but for

                                     outskirts of Mukuanjanga located  project beneficiaries in Kamundele.  the time being, the cases have de-

                                     along the Luangatshimo River. The                                                                                                                                                                                    creased dramatically, and the com-

                                     village is occupied by diamond min-                                                                       Robert father added  that because  munity is at peace.

                                     ers. The village was impacted by in-                                                                      the  village is  made  up  of small-

                                     ter-ethnic  conflict,  which  resulted  scale miners, the majority are un-

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