P. 77
Agriculture provides for my children’s education
“ We thank ADRA and USAID for their assistance, and we are determined to keep this dynamic going in or-
der to help our families.” said Mrs. MUSUWAMBA MUJINGA, Beneficiary of the BUREKA project.
Following the KAMWINA Desperate, I began looking geted and registered because
NSAPU war that devastated for a job to support my fami- of our expulsion from Ango-
our community, most people ly. We are a thriving artisanal la, allowing me and my chil-
in our village MUNGAMBA diamond mining community. dren to benefit from this assis-
was exiled to Angola. After a The extraction of diamonds tance. They provided us with
few months of living in Ango- is too painful. As a woman, I food, but ADRA also provided
la, the Angolan government found the job nearly impos- me with improved seeds (food
decided to deport us to our sible to do. I chose agricul- crops and vegetables) and ag-
home country. ture, so that I could care for ricultural tools that assisted
With the sudden expulsion my children and provide for me in cultivating, as well as
of the Angolan authorities, their educational needs. agricultural training on the
I, 62-year-old Mum MUSU- best agricultural techniques.
WAMBA MUJINGA, and my I try to work in the fields; I re-
four children: 16-year-old son call spending days in the fields Aside from the positive re-
MUNUMENU MUSUWAMBA, looking for large amounts of sults obtained in the food field
12-year-old girl MBUYI MU- food, but our harvest was ex- with the technical assistance
SUWAMBA, 8-year-old girl tremely poor due to a lack of of the ADRA teams, we have
MUKELENU MUSUWAMBA, agricultural tools and quali- harvested more than 5 bags
and 5-year-old son KAJIKA ty seeds. The harvest did not of corn and a large quantity
MUSUWAMBA. meet my expectations for my of Chinese cabbage and ama-
children’s school education; I ranth since seed distribution.
We spent many days walking was practically helpless, un-
in the forest without eating able to face life’s challenges. Now that I have saved more
and sleeping in the rain and I had given up hope for my than 100,000 FC, I can pro-
cold. children’s education. vide for my family and pay
As soon as we arrived, we dis- for my children’s education. I
covered our village in ruins, Fortunately for us, with the am grateful to God for send-
our homes burned and de- arrival of humanitarian aid ing ADRA and USAID to save
stroyed, and we had lost ev- funded by USAID and imple- us.
erything we owned. mented by ADRA, we were tar-
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