P. 81

Improving production through good practices

                                                       “ Nothing is better than agriculture.” said Mr. KOLO IPANGA, Beneficiary of the BUREKA project.

                                                       Mr. KOLO IPANGA, from the  of maize and  cowpea seed-                                                                                                                           Today I harvest between one and two

                                                       Kamonia  health  zone, in  the  lings after  long and arduous  bags of cowpeas and more than 4.5

                                                       KAMABONZA health  area,  work.                                                                                                                                                  bags of maize. This excellent produc-

                                                       is 38 years old and  married  We only harvested two basins  tion  provides  food  for my  family  for

                                                       to  Mrs. Nadine  KOLO; Fa-                                                              of maize and one basin of cow-                                                          many months, part of which I sell to

                                                       ther of 5 children: NGALULA  pea; I was disappointed  that  earn money to deposit weekly in VSLAs

                                                       KOLO, 17-year-old daughter;  farming was not assisting me  and pay my children’s school fees, and

                                                       HUPOWO KOLO 14-year-old  in better supporting my fami-                                                                                                                          another part of which I save for next

                                                       son;  MPUYI LIPASA KOLO  ly.                                                                                                                                                    season’s seed. Right now, I have food

                                                       8-year-old son; Mamie  KOLO                                                                                                                                                     at home, and my family and I eat more

                                                       6-year-old girl and Lyly KOLO  ADRA provided us with identi-                                                                                                                    than twice a day.

                                                       1 year old girl.                                                                        fication when he first arrived

                                                       They are beneficiaries of the  in the community and, at one  In this regard, I am truly grateful for

                                                       BUREKA  Project in  the food  point,  several  food  distribu-                                                                                                                  ADRA’s assistance in my life and in the

                                                       distribution sector; VSLA and  tions; he brought us corn, oil,  lives of my family; I thank you from the

                                                       Agriculture because they are  beans, and salt.                                                                                                                                  bottom of my heart for saving us from

                                                       from the village of Muasamba                                                                                                                                                    death, and we ask you not to abandon

                                                       in KAMABONZA.                                                                           Nothing is better than farming;  us, to continue to assist us because we

                                                                                                                                               After a while, ADRA brought  are not yet fully recovered.

                                                       When  the war  came to our  us maize, cowpeas, vegetable

                                                       village, we were forced to flee  seeds, and  agricultural tools.

                                                       into the forest with our fam-                                                           To assist us in improving our

                                                       ilies. As a result  of our dis-                                                         agricultural  activities that

                                                       placement, we left all our be-                                                          were not performing well.

                                                       longings in  our homes, and

                                                       the armed groups pursuing us  Thanks to ADRA, we now know

                                                       destroyed the doors and took  how to seed in rows, weed at

                                                       everything we owned. Life be-                                                           the appropriate times, rotate

                                                       came bitter after our return,  our crops, and  clear the for-

                                                       and even finding food became  ests from around our fields to

                                                       difficult; with my children, we  fight pests and other illnesses.

                                                       sometimes slept without even

                                                       having anything to eat; we  We have applied these train-

                                                       were living a life of suffering.                                                        ings to our respective fields. I

                                                       We didn’t have access to good  used strategies I had acquired

                                                       seeds and didn’t know how to  from ADRA’s lessons  in my

                                                       sow in order, so we sowed in  0.5-hectare field.                                                                                                                                        Mr. KOLO IPANGA and his wife

                                                       disorder and production was                                                                                                                                                              Nadine KOLO harvesting corn

                                                       very low; in a 0.5-hectare field

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