P. 79

The BUREKA project improves beneficiaries’ living

                                            conditions through agricultural assistance and VSLA.

                                            Mrs. NGALULA TSHIBULA, 60, is a  on her next plan of action one eve-                                                                                                                                                 proved  her  household’s  financial

                                            widower who lives with her four  ning when she heard on the local  situation despite her involvement

                                            grandchildren,  two  grandsons  radio station that people had be-                                                                                                                                                    in all sectors. She went on to say

                                            Mutoto Wele, 5 years, and Muta-                                                                           gun to return to their homes and  that before the VSLA, she had no

                                            ta Welo, 13 years, and two grand-                                                                         that the army had tightened secu-                                                                          efficient  way  to  save  money,  but

                                            daughters Ngalula Muya, 9 years,  rity. This was the good news she  since joining  the  group,  she has

                                            and Antho Kapinga, 7 years. In the  had been waiting for, and without  been saving at least 2000FC week-

                                            small village of Mukuanjanga, she  further thought, she decided to re-                                                                                                                                               ly, which has enabled her to access

                                            is a subsistence farmer who also  turn to her village and start over  credit, which she has used to open

                                            engages in petty commerce.                                                                                since she had lost everything.                                                                             her small business in the village.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 She went on to say that the busi-

                                            She was identified as a beneficia-                                                                          “Everything  was  to  start  over  in  ness has not only helped her im-

                                            ry in the BUREKA project and has  a disserted village; no one wanted  prove her financial situation, but

                                            received assistance.                                                                                      to return due to the horrific scenes  it has also helped her improve her

                                            Mrs. Ngalula became a member  that had left the majority of people  household feeding needs because

                                            of a local VSLA group after being  traumatized.”                                                                                                                                                                     she now has money to buy items

                                            sensitized by the ADRA field team.  Life  was  also  more  difficult than  she cannot produce.

                                            She discovered that joining the  before because there was no food

                                            group will help her gain access  and no one was doing business,”  Furthermore,  opening  the  busi-

                                            to savings and credit. Mr. Ngalu-                                                                         Ngalula  explained.  This  situation  ness  in  the  village  has  benefited

                                            la recalls the heinous incidents of  hampered people’s return, and it  the entire community  because

                                            the war that left her a widower af-                                                                       took several  months  before they  she has made items available and

                                            ter his husband was assassinated  began to settle in the village. Be-                                                                                                                                                people do not have to travel as

                                            in cold blood while attempting to  cause of this intolerable situation,  far as Tshikapa  to obtain them.

                                            evacuate the family to a safer lo-                                                                        ADRA/USAID implemented a proj-                                                                             “I’d like to thank ADRA/USAID for

                                            cation. “When my husband died, I  ect in her village with the goal of  the assistance they’ve provided to

                                            had no choice but to travel to Kin-                                                                       accelerating livelihood restoration  the community.”

                                            shasa and seek refuge in one of my  among the affected population in

                                            relative homes,” she explained.                                                                           Mukuanjanga’s health area. Bene-                                                                           Without you, there would have

                                                                                                                                                      ficiaries of ADRA/USAID assistance  been no community  impact.  “I

                                            Ngalula  went  on  to  say  that  life  have begun to improve their live-                                                                                                                                            want to thank you again on behalf

                                            was difficult in Kinshasa, and that  lihoods by participating  in activ-                                                                                                                                             of  all  the  beneficiaries  who  ben-

                                            she lived from hand to mouth be-                                                                          ities. Mrs. Ngalula received food  efited from your assistance,” Mr.

                                            cause she did not have a source of  assistance, WASH  services, and  Ngalula concluded.

                                            income. Ngalula was meditating  VSLA.  VSLA, she claims, has  im-

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