Page 8 - MODUL 1-dikonversi_merged
P. 8


                              LET’S STUDY DEGREE OF COMPARISON


                    1. POSITIVE DEGREE :

                        - The Pattern :     as + adjective + as

                        - Untuk menunjukkan bahwa dua benda atau orang sama

                        -  Example :  I am as happy as you.

                                             Cridayanti is as  famous as Yuni shara.

                   2.  COMPARATIVE DEGREE : Perbandingan tingkat lebih.

                       -  THE PATTERN 1 :          ADJECTIVE + ER + THAN

                          a.  Jikan adjective terdiri dari satu atau dua suku kata, kita menambahkan “er/r”
                              pada akhir adjectivenya.

                              Example : - old ------- older                  - young ------ younger

                                                 -tall -------- taller                  - short --------shorter

                               Example :  My father is 40 years old.

                                                 My mother is 30 years old.

                                 *  My father is older than my mother.

                                 *  My mother is younger than my father.

                        b. Jika adjectivenya lebih dari dua suku kata, maka kita menambahkan “more”
                       sebelum adjectivenya.

                       PATTERN 2  :      MORE + ADJECTIVE + THAN

                       Example : - beautiful ----more beautiful.               – Expensive ----more expensive

                                     -famous -------more famous.                   - difficult --- more difficult.

                          Example : Footbal is more famous than volleyball.

                   3.  SUPERLATIVE  DEGREE.

                       PATTERN 1 :             The + adjective + est
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