Page 272 - The Encyclopedia of Taoism v1_A-L
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BIGU 233
of the Three Treatises; T. 1852), but Falin's work remains the most complete
surviving statement of the issues between Buddhism and Taoism until the
renewed debates of the Mongol period.
lID Kohn 1995a, 180-86; 6fuchi Ninji and Ishii Masako 1988, 315-21 (list of
texts cited); Tonami Mamoru 1999, 40-55
abstention from cereals
The term bigu denotes a diet that allows one to avoid eating common food,
which in China mainly consisted of cereals. These were said to generate harm-
ful entities, particularly the "worms" or "corpses" residing in the intestine (see
*sanshi and jiuchong), in the epigastrial region, and in the brain; they were also
thought to induce pain, produce debris and excrement that cause the intestine
to decay, and destroy the vital principle of their host. Cereals therefore were pro-
gressively reduced and replaced by other outer or inner nourishment, including
herbs, minerals, breath (see *fuqi), and talismanic water lfushui :trf 7](, i.e., water
containing ashes of burned talismans, *FU). Besides bigu, abstention from cereals
is known as duangu ~~ (stopping cereals), juegu ~,@~ (discontinuing cereals),
quegu BP~ (refraining from cereals), or xiuliang {~;ffil (stopping grains).
The earliest document about this practice is a *Mawangdui manuscript
entitled Quegu shiqi BP ~ 1ft ~ (Refraining from Cereals and Ingesting Breath;
trans. Harper 1998, 305-9). In Han times, abstention from cereals was often as-
sociated with worship of the Stove God (*Zaoshen). *Li Shaojun, for instance,
taught Han Wudi (r. 141-87 BCE) a "method of worshipping the furnace and
abstaining from cereals to prevent old age" (cizao gudao quelao fang ;fO] I1I't~ll!
BP ~ 15; Hanshu 25.1216). By the early fourth century, according to *Ge Hong,
there were more than one hundred different methods, some of which he men-
tions in *Baopu zi 15 (trans. Ware 1966, 243- 49). A section of the Zhenzhong
ji ttr:j:Ii1ic (Notes Kept Inside the Pillow; CT 837, 14a-15b) is concerned with
bigu, and j. 57 of the *Yunji qiqian contains methods for ingesting breath and
avoiding cereals.
When the technique was successful, "movable cuisines" (xingchu fr m) or
"celestial cuisines" (tianchu ::J(m; see under *chu) were brought in gold and