Page 389 - The Encyclopedia of Taoism v1_A-L
P. 389

35 0                THE  ENCYCLOPEDIA  OF  TAOISM   A-L

       gongjue  g t§. eiP = JE ff ti± rn ~ (Practical Instructions on the Three Sages'
        Doctrine of Healing the World by the Ancestral Master Lii; no. I2). The "three
       sages" mentioned in these titles are Laozi, Confucius, and the Buddha. In ad-
        dition, the Daozang xubian contains alchemical methods for female adepts (see
       *niidan) because, in the Longmen's universal salvation program, women too
        can obtain enlightenment. These are the Xiwang mu niixiu zhengtu shize  [iLj +.

        Ht 3l: {~ lE:i& + ~iJ  (Ten Principles of the Queen Mother of the West on the
        Correct Path of Female Cultivation; no. I9; trans. Wile I992, I92-20I) and the
        Niwan Li zushi niizong shuangxiu baofa rf@,JL,* tB. RiP 3l: * ~ {I~ If r~ (Precious
        Raft of Joint Cultivation in Inner Alchemy for Women by Patriarch Li Niwan;
       no. 20; trans. Wile I992, 204-I2).
          FinaIIy,  the Daozang xubian contains two exegeses of *Zhang Boduan's
       *Jindan sibai zi, commented on by *Peng Haogu and edited by Min Yanglin
        00 ~J,M;j\ (no. 2I); and an explication of *Liu Yiming's Xiuzhen biannan fl~ fHJf
       ~ (Discussions on the Cultivation of Perfection), commented on by Min Yide
       himself (no. 23).
          Altogether, the Daozang xubian exhibits the intention of clarifYing alchemi-
       cal teachings in order to make them more accessible through techniques that
       suit individual dispositions and tastes. Accordingly, one notes various levels
       of alchemical practices and a particular classification of texts. This variety of
       techniques forms the richness of the Daozang xubian and shows the syncretism
       of the Longmen school beyond its officially accepted doctrine.

                                                         Monica ESPOSITO
       m Despeux 1990,163-68; Esposito 1992; Esposito 1993; Esposito 2001,221-24
        * Min Yide; neidan; Longmen; DAOZANG  AND  SUBSIDIARY  COMPILATIONS


                             "dignitary of the Dao"

       The daozhang is an ordained Taoist priest (*daoshi) who is qualified to perform
       *zhai (Retreat) and *jiao (Offering) rituals as chief officiant. Having formaIIy
       received the registers (*LU), he is also known as "master of registers" (lushi f,J;
       ±). Originally, the registers were bestowed by the Celestial Master (*tianshi)
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