Page 387 - The Encyclopedia of Taoism v1_A-L
P. 387


                                     Table 3
         I  Taiyi jinhua zongzhi j;. - 1t;if; '* I§'  (The Ultimate Purport of the Golden Flower of the
           Great One)
         2  Yin zhenren Donghua zhengmai huangji hepi zhengdao xianjing P~LA.Jit!If!iiE~ £l.@liiIlilflm
           ill {W t.~ (Immortal Scripture by the Perfected Yin Testifying to the Path of Opening and
           Closing the August Ultimate According to the Orthodox Lineage of the Eastern Plores-
         3  Yin zhenrm Liaoyang dian wenda bial! Jl- ~ A ~ II§.OO! r~~ '* ll1il  (Questions and Answers of
           the Perfected Yin  from  the Liaoyang Hall)
         4  Xie tianji It!tJ::ti (Disclosing the Celestial Mechanism)
         5  Cufa yangsheng shisan ze chanwei l1ittt~ I- '::: J'l~ 1Ml~ (Uncovering the Subtleties of the
           Thirteen Principles Concerning the Ancient Methods of Nourishing Life)
         6  Shangpin danfa jieci L 6It f} it tili ij\ (Alchemical Process of Highest Rank)
         7  Cual!kui bian ~J~Ui (A Personal View)
         8 Jiuzhel1g lu J¥,tiE~ (Account of the Realization of Rectitude)
         9  Yu Lin Fel1qial! xial1shellg shu 9i!;ftrH TJt~ ~ (Letter to Elder Lin Penqian)
        10  Lu zushi sanl!i yishi shuoshu gm Ilili.::: fE!. ~t!t~j£ (Explanations of the Three Sages'
           Doctrine of Healing the World by the Ancestral Master Lii)
        11  Du Lu zushi sanl!i yishi shuoshu gual1kui tt! g ffillili.:::Jf!, ~ t!t~:i£~m (A Personal Reading
           of the Explanations of the Three Sages' Doctrine of Healing the World by the Ancestral
           Master Lii)
        12  Lii zushi sal!ni yishi gongjue g IDIlili.:::fE!. ~ill :9J~ (Practical Instructions on the Three
          Sages' Doctrine of Healing the World by the Ancestral Master Lii)
        13  Tiallxian xinchuan J:{W {,'f,\IJ  (Heart-to-Heart Transmission of Celestial Immortality)
        14  Tiallxial1 daD jieji xuzhi 7( {W iH AA .~~?;I:J (Required Knowledge on Precepts and Prohibi-
           tions for the Path to Celestial Immortality)
        15  Tiallxian daocheng baoze 7( {w m fj! ~ J'lIJ (Precious Principles for the Path to Celestial Im-
        16  Erlan xil1hua = M {,'iffi (Heart-to-Heart Dialogue between the Two Leisurely [Masters])
        17  Sal1fm zhel1ren XlIantan quanji .::: -ttJ: A 1r i":i ~ ~ (Complete Collection of the M ysteri-
          ous Words by the Perfected [Zhang] Sanfeng)
        18  Rushi wo wen ,(lo ~ fJi; all  (Thus I Have Heard)
        19  Xiwang mu niixiu zhengtu shize iffi.:E -ffj:3d~ iE~+.fl~ (Ten Principles of the Queen
          Mother of the West on the Correct Path of Female Cultivation)
        20  Niwan Li zushi lliizong shuangxiu baofa vp'jV~mIlili30j~~*lim (Precious Raft of Joint
          Cultivation in Inner Alchemy for Women by Patriarch Li Niwan)
        21  Jindall sibai zi zhushi ~ft IlY S 'J: lE~ (Commentary and Explanations on the Jindan sibai
        22  Suoyan XlI  ~ 1"'i r.tI  (Sequel to an Ignored Transmission)
        23  Xiuzhm biannan qianhou bian canzheng f~ tUiHltE1ltr{$tl'i ~ iliE  (Annotations to the Xiuzhen
          biallnan, in Two Sections)
               Contents of the * Daozatlg XlIbial! J!i: JliiH'  l'i (Sequel to the Taoist Canon).
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