Page 383 - The Encyclopedia of Taoism v1_A-L
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344                THE  ENCYCLOPED lA  OF  TAOlSM   A-L

      voted to neidan works of various authors and dates. Sections 20 to 22 contain
      anthologies and encyclopedias. Finally, sections 23 to 28 include more neidan
      texts, as well as litanies (chan ~), texts related to *Wenchang, collections of
      monastic rules, and biographic and topographic works.
         In more detail, the contents of the individual sections are as follows (section
      numbers correspond to the lunar lodges; see table 26):
         1-3: Duren jing and other works spoken by or related to the Celestial Worthy
      of Original Commencement (Yuanshi tianzun 5t~§t::X~).
         4: Commentaries to the *Shengshen jing and other works spoken by or
      related to the Celestial Worthy of Numinous Treasure (Lingbao tianzun 2i
         5-6:  Commentaries to the Daode jing (including one by *Bai Yuchan not
      found in the Daozang) and other works spoken by or related to the Celestial
      Worthy of the Way and Its Virtue (Daode tianzun Jlt1j::xlt-), i.e., the deified
      Laozi: *Huangtingjing, * Tais hang ganying pian, and hagiographies of Laozi.
         T  Works related to Yuhuang, including commentaries to the Yuhuang ben-
      xingjijing ~ J:.3££*1'T~~ (Collected Scripture on the Deeds of the Jade
      Sovereign) and the *Xinyin jingo
         8: Texts on the Five Dippers (see under *Wudoujing) and commentaries to
      the *Longhu jing and the *Yinfu jingo
         9:  Commentaries to the *Zhuangzi.
         IQ:  Commentaries to the Wenshi zhenjing j :J§t JU~ (Authentic Scripture
      of Master Wenshi; see under *Yin Xi), the *Liezi, the *Wenzi, and the Dongling
      zhenjing WiJ 2iJU~ (Authentic Scripture of the Cavernous Numen; see under
      *Gengsang zi).
         n: *Huainan zi, *Baopu zi, and commentaries to the *Zhouyi cantong qi and
      the *Ruyao jingo
         12: Zhong-Lii texts and works related to *Xu Xun and the Jingming dao.
         13-14: Collections of texts attributed or related to *Lii Dongbin, including
      the * Taiyi jinhua zongzhi.
        15:  Texts by the Nanzong patriarchs.
        16: Texts by Bai Yuchan.
         IT Texts by the Quanzhen patriarchs.
        18: Various pre-Ming texts on meditation and neidan.
        19: Works by *Wu Shouyang and works attributed to *Zhang Sanfeng.
        20-22: Encyclopedic collections and anthologies, including the *Zhengao
      and the *Daoshu.
        23: Neidan texts, including the Zhenquan Jj;~ (Veritable Truth) edited by
      Peng Dingqiu.
        24: Litanies (chan).
        25:  Hagiographies and works related to Wenchang.
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